Rep. Johnson Applauds State of the Union Address

Rep. Johnson Applauds State of the Union Address

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) issued the following statement tonight in response to President Donald J. Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address.

“I was encouraged by President Trump’s call for unity and bipartisanship during a time where we seem so divided. I came to Congress to find solutions to complex problems, and I truly believe the best solutions arise when we work together.  

“Bipartisanship leads to results. Throughout the President’s address, we had the opportunity to meet people whose lives were changed because Congressional members set aside their egos and worked toward a common goal. Last year, Congress passed several bipartisan bills, including criminal justice reform and legislation combating the opioid crisis in our communities. Americans are reaping those benefits today, and I hope we can use the momentum from the previous year to continue producing results for the American people. We should start with border security, which is past due. I am hopeful my colleagues will make finding common ground to secure our nation a top priority. 

“Our nation is experiencing wage increases and record low unemployment, and I look forward to continuing forward on that path. I am eager to help implement the President’s priorities for our nation’s infrastructure, as that is a key responsibility of government. We also need to resolve our differences with our trading partners as soon as possible and provide much needed stability to South Dakota farmers. There is plenty of work to be done to make the state of our great union even stronger and I am ready to get to work.” 


31 thoughts on “Rep. Johnson Applauds State of the Union Address”

  1. I was teary-eyed tonight as Pres. Trump introduced the 5 elderly gentlemen in the gallery. The 3 WWII vets who were part of the Normandy invasion, one of whom later helped liberate the concentration camps. The two Jewish men who survived the camps, one of whom also survived the anti-Semetic shooting in Pittsburgh last year. Plus as an added bonus, the 2nd man on the moon “Buzz” Aldrin !

  2. I hope his twitter fingers coincide with his address. The address was good. His tweets rarely are.

    1. Personally, I like his tweets. Just as Ronald Reagan was able to get around a biased media by going straight to the people (by today’s standards the media of that time would be considered middle-of-the-road), President Trump uses Twitter as a means to get unfiltered messages to the people. It is nice to have someone who will actually fight back against the lies told about him.

      1. He also calls people names and picks personal fights with anyone who says anything that crosses him. It’s weird to call for unity while behaving like that. He can tweet if he wants, but I just hope he remembers to act like an adult while doing so. Feels weird to say that about the President of the United States.

        1. It’s called push back…I love his tweets…about time a Republican pushes back against the insane media and Democrat left…the majority of Republicans are wet noodles…

          1. So yeah, then the “unity” and bipartisanship bit is just nonsense. That was a huge part of what Johnson is cheering.

        2. At least he is concerned about the good of the country which is more than can be said for Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Warren, Durbin, Nadler, Coons, Abrams, and on and on. The Democrats put America second to their own “ideals” of socialism and total government control.

              1. Cheering for infanticide makes Satan very happy. I recall learning about how Satan masquerades as an angel of light. There’s nothing holy about these women, they’re doing the devil’s work.

          1. I love how people on both sides of the aisle continue to think “the other side” doesn’t care about the good of the country rather than disagree on what is best for the country. Nuance is tough in a tribal world.

            ONE OF US. ONE OF US.

            1. How is infanticide good for the country? How is an unsecured border good for the country? How are improved job numbers and lower unemployment rates not good for the country? How is requiring voter ID not good for the country? I would like a Democrat to answer these questions please. They are the only ones against the above.

              1. I mean, I could try to argue the points for you, if you’d like. I am not a Democrat, though.

                1. The abortion debate is a huge sticking point for me with dems, but the argument I have usually seen is that regulating it prevents the back alley abortions that was killing women and babies and that it is about a woman’s bodily integrity. I think both are bad arguments, so there you go.

                2. Dems aren’t fighting for a completely unsecured border, but they are not bending on the wall. I don’t think they are spending enough, but you are being disingenuous here.

                3. You are being disingenuous again. The employment numbers are great, but we are running a budget deficit similar to what Obama did when the crash happened. We are doing it when the economy was already strong. Do you remember when we used to care about not saddling our kids with truckloads of debt? But dems did it, so I guess screw principles.

                4. What would spending money on voter id laws accomplish? As of yet, nobody has actually shown widespread voter fraud to be an issue. And at least be honest and say directly that you think dems are trying to shuttle mexicans into the country to pump up their numbers for elections. And then maybe show some evidence that supports it.

                So, I am with you on 1. I am with you and against you 2 and 3. I am against you on 4.

                That help?

                1. About your point #1. President Trump did not call for abolishing abortion. He called for having a law to stop it in the third trimester. He talked about babies born alive being killed (real humans refer to this as murder). I personally do not know anybody who thinks this is OK. Senator Sasse said they should pass the law in the Senate by unanimous consent. Who could be against killing babies who have been born alive? Apparently many Democrats. And the ones in Washington, D.C. seem to all agree that this is a good thing. Does that help?

              2. They are only against these things because we are for them. Not because Trump is for them, but because we are for them.

                “They’re not after Trump, they’re after us and Trump is in the way”

                1. You are right. I am horrified at how far left the Democrats have gone. Everyone who loves this country should be.

  3. I noticed two times Democrats and Republicans united: chanting USA together and Pelosi clapping when President Trump said America will never be a socialist country. Pelosi and her multi-millionaire buddies are very aware of what will happen if AOC and others have it their way.

    Another impactful part of the SOTU was acknowledging the 4000 homicides committed, last year, by criminal aliens. Who knows the number of deaths caused by AR-15s? Democrats have an agenda and it’s not to keeping Americans safe.

      1. You must use Google as your search engine, you’ll never see it linked there. I can certainly help you. The U.S. Government Accountability Office is a great place for current statistics and another source is located at ‘The Hill’. I do hope you seek out the AR-15 numbers so we can continue our discussion.

          1. Okay, What’s up? Stop kidding around.

            I don’t click on links and I rarely include them. Not only did I give you two sources, President Trump mentioned it in his SOTU. I’m not going to do all the work for you too. However, the graph provided by GAO is titled: Criminal Alien Homicides in America per year. Maybe you’re using the term “undocumented immigrant” in your search?

            1. Claiming someone said it is not providing evidence of it. I’m noticing a troubling trend on this website that posters make claims that, when pressed, they refuse to provide evidence for. This is basic high school stuff, folks. If you make a claim and are pressed for evidence, you should provide it or be assumed to be wrong. That’s how the burden of proof works. Also, my search focused on criminal aliens.

              The best I can find is a GAO report in 2011 which indicates that out of every criminal alien incarcerated (year of arrest irrelevant), 25k were attributable to homicide. Nowhere can I find evidence of your 4k claim. I’d ask you to back it up, but I wouldn’t want to force you to “provide links.” Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V is super hard, I know.

              1. Yes, basic high school stuff: copy ‘criminal alien homicide in America per year + GAO’ and paste it into search engine. Copying and pasting the title of GAO’s graph is super hard, I know.

                Your mom did your homework for you? Well, I’m not your mommy;)

                It’s not my fault you’re unable to find the sources. Try harder. This information is not new, the numbers have been recorded for years.

                  1. No one was called stupid, but we can go with your claim. Awesome!

                    I was able to find The Hill’s article and the Cato Institute has some interesting statistics, and it only took a couple minutes.

  4. Me thinks the look on the faces of Kamala, Bernie, Elizabeth, et. al. was one of “Oh Crap, the hard part isn’t going to be the primary. I wish I hadn’t gone loco-liberal so early.” which was confirmed by their reactions post SOTU.

  5. According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

    Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

    25,064 / 6yrs (relevant) = 4,177.333 per year. Elementary style.

    You need a break or you want to uncover AR-15 deaths per year?

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