Republican Candidate for Congress Dusty Johnson is going on the air with a new ad – National Debt

Republican Congressional candidate Dusty Johnson is going on the air tomorrow with a new ad in both a :30 and :60 second version titled “National Debt”

The ad, which provides Dusty telling the story of what our national debt means to his sons is reminiscent of the national debt ad that his predecessor in Congress, Kristi Noem, found great success with in her election against Stephanie Herseth.

With early voting in progress and less than 45 days to go, things are only going to heat up in the remaining days of the election!

25 thoughts on “Republican Candidate for Congress Dusty Johnson is going on the air with a new ad – National Debt”

  1. Just watched the 30 second version—I like it, straight to the point. The debt and deficits should resonate with all fiscal conservatives.

    I liked the face of the kid wearing the yellow also 🙂

  2. Ok I watched the 60 second one–while still good…I like the 30 second one more….straight to the point more…I liked the getting left with the tab and getting the check more than the closer in the 60 second ad.

    Now how does he do it…can he back it up with some policy proposals in the coming weeks and/or months.

  3. Good ad. He will win. But the debt will be higher 5 years from now than today. No more his fault than Noem or anyone else. But to say he can fix it is just talk.
    Reducing the debt is a great talking point but nobody ever does anything about it.

      1. Well, she ended up voting for the biggest tax cut for the rich ever, which will cause massive Federal deficits in the next decade….

        1. Yeah, I guess bonuses and lower rates and higher pay for middle class is always an excuse for the left-wing Socialists to attack good ideas. Did you ever complain about Obummer spending all that money over 8 years to create more government dependence? Didn’t think so.

  4. This is probably the best ad we’ve seen this cycle. I wish the ending of the 60 second ad was somehow incorporated into the 30 second ad.

  5. Doesn’t seem fiscally conservative to eat out considering he doesn’t work. The Full Dusty – windfall stock option to be paid back if elected – earned after a lifetime of taxpayers paying his salary. How many state employees can afford to take 2 years off. That’s how Dusty explains being fiscal conservative.

    1. I think you have bad information. He still works at his job.

      Just so I can get this straight – Shantel can campaign all week on the State dime, but Dusty is to be faulted for taking time off from his private sector company to run for office?

      You live in a weird world, Anonymous 10:26.

      1. I agree…you are supposed to campaign to get these positions…just because other candidates have flexibility vs the 40 hour a week government jobs of some candidates…hmmm…how about not being a career politician! and work in the private sector once where you have to make payroll.

    2. 1. Your post is a complete fallacy #fakepost #illinformed

      2. Hes currently not a state employee

      3. He likely didn’t qualify for a pension for his length of service when he was

      4. Members need to work for 3 terms in the House to qualify for a pension or 1 term in the Senate- chill you jets. He’d have to be elected twice more IF he wins the primary and IF he wins the general.

      5. He works- why shouldn’t he be able to take his family out to eat once in awhile if he can afford it- who are you to judge.

  6. Whoever wins this primary will face the Dem Tim Bjorkman in November. Tim seems like a nice guy but I’m getting the clear message he’s just another intolerant liberal Dem. As a small businessman and member of the National Right To Work committee I mailed postcards to the 4 candidates urging them to answer the NRTW survey and sent it in. Bjorkman’s came back “refused-return to sender”. If he’s already this hostile to this organization and it’s members , whose position that no one should be forced to join a union is very popular in SD, how’s he going to act if he gets to DC ?

    1. It is always better to visit with the Candidate personally to visit and get clarification one way or the other. Tim is a pretty conservative/Moderate Democrat and has many Republican/Conservative supporters.

    2. Denis don’t like to try to explain their idiotic positions. You shouldn’t bug poor Timmy with your desire to know what he believes.

  7. How much of that 120 million dollar deficit he talks about that he helped resolve was done with the help of funds from the National Recover Act, which then added to the federal deficit?

  8. Dusty is doing all the right things – grassroots campaigning around the state; putting out a variety of solid position points on issues; running clever ads on TV and in print – he’s the clear frontrunner.

  9. Interested to see how he plans on implementing spending cuts since our elected Republican reps seem so unwilling to do so, even after a massive tax cut.

  10. I don’t know if Dusty will win or not, but he has done so many little (and big) things well.

  11. I would say the 30-second ad is the better of the two ads.

    You better watch out Dusty the boy in the yellow might upstage you:)

    Dusty I agree is very likeable personable and has accomplishments and he works very hard. My concern is well it’s a good commercial what is he actually going to do to reduce the deficit or the debt.

    Shan ntel is out for me I just never connected don’t really have many specifics that I see from her and the whole say your prayers stay out of everybody’s business routine doesn’t work for me…I want you in people’s business I want some action in Congress!!

    Tapio…. lightning in a bottle…. I think he’s the most substantiv talking about issues and solutions but he needs a better organization better Name ID if he had a year or so to run he do much better.

    I’d like to see of debate or a forum and see how these guys react it seems like this blog gives lots of attention to the attorney general’s race in a course to stay just pay a lot of attention to the governor’s race I wonder does this race kind of get lost in the shuffle a little bit.

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