Ried Holien v. Phil Jensen for SDGOP National Committeeman, Jensen withdraws.

Watertown Mayor and current SDGOP national Committeeman gave delegates a red meat speech campaigning for a return to his position against his opponent, controversial State Representative Phil Jensen.

Jensen gave a speech on his background on his history in SD politics after moving to SD from out of state. Jensen admitted his membership as a founding member of the state Freedom Caucus… and then withdrew from the race.

A unanimous ballot was cast, re-electing Holien to the position.

9 thoughts on “Ried Holien v. Phil Jensen for SDGOP National Committeeman, Jensen withdraws.”

  1. was this a case of civil disobedience, too?
    Announcing you’re running, letting somebody give a nominating speech on your behalf, giving a campaign speech, and then announcing you’re not running, it’s kind of like filing a case with the PUC and then not showing up, isn’t it?

    Seems to be a pattern here.

    1. I thought that VERY odd also. Unless you just want period to hear nice things about you to feed your own ego. Seems the only reasonable explanation.

        1. He sports a sweet leather jacket, though. Strikes grudznick as the sort of fellow who drives a really big pickup that never leaves the pavement to pump himself up in his own mind, ifyoukmowwhatimeanandithinkyoudo.

      1. Hopefully Toby Doeden calls Pischke and says “I expect you to get your act together or you won’t see another nickle from me.”

        1. Don’t hold your breath for that. Lord Lardass is hardly a paragon of any virtue besides greed, sloth, and envy.

  2. I look forward to the manner in which he uses this withdrawal to bolster his own victimhood to an army of drooling conspiracy theorists.

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