Right to Life scorecard out. Freedom Caucus members among worst, Tina Mulally lowest scoring Republican in entire survey.

This came out recently, and it’s kind of interesting how well some people did… or didn’t do.

The people who professed to be self declared as among the most conservative in the legislature, the members of the Freedom (a.k.a. Freedumb) caucus were among the lower scoring of Republicans on the 2-year survey. Aaron Aylward, the chair of the group received an 83% vote. So did Vice-Chairman Tony Randolph, who claims on his freedom bio that he’s “A” rated by SDRTL. He probably needs to drop that to a B after 2024.

Tina Mulally, the Freedom Caucus’ Secretary Treasurer was actually the lowest scoring Republican in the entire survey, voting with South Dakota Right to Life only 67% of the time. How did Tina Mulally get away without a primary with that terrible voting record? Might as well move her over to the RINO caucus, because she certainly doesn’t walk the walk as one of the leaders of a group that claims to be the “standard bearers for our shared Conservative values.”  Again, she can take that claim of an A rating from SDRTL and give herself a D.

Who else kind of whiffed it?  Carl Perry at 83% Which leads me to believe that he must have had his phone off for one of those votes, and Al Novstrup couldn’t tell him which button to push.  Phil Jensen muddied his conservative blood, and was also at an 83%.

It’s just kind of interesting that those who are among the most concerned with how conservative people are or are not are part of the group scoring the worst among Republicans.

7 thoughts on “Right to Life scorecard out. Freedom Caucus members among worst, Tina Mulally lowest scoring Republican in entire survey.”

  1. On the Conservatives with Common Sense Scorecard of Scorecards, this one got a C-. grudznick is not saying that the freedumb fellows who got bad scores didn’t deserve them. Just saying, with the cherry picked single subject law bills, it’s a C- as rated by our members and unbiased polls.

  2. I don’t understand how Right to Life decides that HB1244 should be hold against anyone. HB1244 goes beyond just the abortion amendment. It allows those who signed a petition to remove their name off of it but can only do it by registered mail for any ballot measures. That was added by the Senate State Affairs Committee. Representative Carl Perry before that amendment was put in was in favor of this bill but switched his vote to no because he didn’t think that was appropriate. He believed that you should have been allowed to email your rejection and not have to pay to get your name off.

    1. well then, Mr Perry did not notice that email addresses are not on the petitions, only snail mail addresses are, and electronic signatures in email are sketchy, so how would the SOS determine if an email asking for a name to be removed is legit?

    2. If Mr. Perry is such a good legislator – why couldn’t he even get 13% of his chamber to agree with him when 90% is his own party? Sounds like he’s a waste of a seat.

      1. All three seats in D3 are empty. One has been for 22 legislative sessions. So much for term limits huh.

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