SD News Watch notes Dusty Johnson #2, Marty Jackley #5 in campaign war chests moving towards 2026

An article today at SD News watch discusses the possibilities of the 2026 Gubernatorial race, and how well heeled two of the front runners are as we tick away the days until that campaign begins:

Johnson’s campaign committee total of more than $4.6 million puts him 18th among current U.S. Congress members. That’s unusually high for a South Dakotan whose re-election race is deemed “solid Republican” by nearly every national prognosticator.


“I’m never going to be scared of a primary,” Dusty Johnson told News Watch last fall. “Anybody who thinks that by acting in a certain way they can gain a free pass doesn’t understand modern politics. At some point, you just go do the right thing and figure out what that means politically later.”


South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley, who ran a competitive but unsuccessful gubernatorial primary against Noem in 2018, is strongly considering taking another run at the job in 2026.

His campaign committee total of about $400,000 pales in comparison to Dusty Johnson’s $5 million, a source of consternation but not panic for the 53-year-old Sturgis native who previously served as South Dakota’s U.S. attorney.

“I’m focused on being attorney general,” Jackley told News Watch. “Other politicians may raise money and campaign (early), but I have a busy job. And I think the best politics that I can do is to perform in that job the best I can. I’ve shown that I can raise money in a short period of time, and it’s primarily local money. I’m not going to be controlled by anybody.”

Read the entire story here.

Just remember.. only 61 days until November 6th – the day Campaign 2026 begins.

19 thoughts on “SD News Watch notes Dusty Johnson #2, Marty Jackley #5 in campaign war chests moving towards 2026”

  1. Marty should run for re-elect for AG. And then run for US Senate when Rounds or Thune retires. That would suit his skills much better

    1. Or just could run for US House and bide his time there? Playing the long game, in 2034 two-term Johnson or Rhoden would be done and (likely) fifth-term Thune could be eyeing the exit.

    1. When you say turds I think you are confused. The only turds are the floaters from the dakota septic tank….such as yourself.

  2. Poor Marty, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Dusty wins easily in a head to head. Rhoden complicates things for Dusty, but completely dooms Marty.

  3. 2002
    Kirby $3 million
    Barnett $2million
    Rounds $150k

    Herseth wins every county in SD
    Herseth loses to the unknown kristi noem
    Donald Trump is an outsider and has zero chance in gop primary
    Trump has zero chance to beat Hillary
    Donald Trump has completely remade the GOP in his image.

    If you think you know what’s going to happen in politics then you probably are wrong.

  4. Rounds will win reelection
    Kristi will go to DC to work in a new Trump admin or some advocacy group
    Dusty will be Gov
    Thune will be Leader of the Senate
    the only question is who will run for and win the House seat? TenHaken? Jackley?

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