SDDP May Federal Account FEC Filing – $44k raised, $44k spent, $53k Cash on hand. Compared to SDGOP’s $3420.40 raised.

While the Free-dumb caucusers spend their time attacking the GOP and trying to unseat it’s officeholders, someone should pay attention to the wolf at the door as Democrats are quietly in the background getting ready for the Fall.

Sddp Federal May 2024 by Pat Powers on Scribd

SD Dems are revenue neutral in their federal account with $44k raised, $44k spent, and $53k Cash on hand, but that’s more than 10x the amount raised in the federal account by the State GOP this last month.

Not sure we’ve reached a tipping point yet, but it’s like the Badlands when you drive past Belvidere heading west on I90.. it’s visible on the horizon.

Dems aren’t facing the level of toxicity that Republicans are, which is shifting vital funds over to candidates directly and away from going to the party to act as a broad support mechanism for all Republicans.

Who is going to suffer for it? Candidates who need the broad support and help.

Hate to be the canary in the coal mine. But the message is there.

It’s just a question if people are going to notice the signs before they drive off the cliff.

18 thoughts on “SDDP May Federal Account FEC Filing – $44k raised, $44k spent, $53k Cash on hand. Compared to SDGOP’s $3420.40 raised.”

  1. we aren’t going to give the state party any money when the convention is coming up and the lunatics might have the votes to take over the asylum, vote to give themselves the contents of the treasury, and elect Taffy Howard as the new chair.
    Hell no.

  2. Confidence will need to be restored in both the state and county GOP before anyone will give them money.

  3. No money donated to the SDGOP by the Dumpsterfire up in Aberdeen? He took a picture of himself at a table way in the back against the wall at a Lincoln Day Dinner.

  4. Yep, makes sense. All the problems with the GOP are due to the crazies. The “faithful water carriers to the Elephant” have absolutely no responsibility for this situation. Now that the blame has been placed, what’s next?

        1. Don’t blame me. I wanted to stuff Taffy Howard in the trunk of a car and push it off a dock into Lake Kampeska.

          She and everybody else who announced they weren’t going to support the Republican slate of candidates should have been stripped of their credentials and escorted out of the convention center, but nobody ever thought something like that would happen, and they were not prepared for it.

          Hopefully the rules committee will discuss such possibilities this year and such behavior will not go unpunished in the future.

    1. They aren’t the Trump party, Trumpers got vaccinated, a Trump supporter who refuses the covid vaccine is like a Christian who refuses the Eucharist. The rapid development and distribution of the vaccine, by lifting constrictive regulations and ensuring the funding to get it done, was one of the Trump administration’s greatest accomplishments. And they hate that.

      These disrupters are in RFK jr’s camp.
      They don’t support the Republican slate of candidates, at the last convention they stood up to be counted in opposition to the Republican candidates, and now that they are on the verge of a complete takeover of the party, the Real Republicans aren’t going to give them any money.

      1. That has not been my observation. RFK Jr is a sideshow. The political fringe Libertarian and Constitutional Party activists and types have infiltrating BPOUs. It’s interesting because even though many claim to be Libertarian they often rebrand themselves with new party or group names because Libertarian they feel scares people. By themselves just like the hard core extreme left Marxists or DSAs if they told people what they really want to do these extremists right or left would scare the hell out of voters. Instead they tone it down and pass as Republicans or Democrats but once they feel secure and in numbers that is when the full tilt crazy comes out.

        Plenty of BPOUs across the country have been taken over or almost completely taken over along with their delegates. The vast majority support Trump. JFK Jr is admired by these conspiracy consumed political activists but their votes are going to Trump.

        This morning there was an announcement that a day care was opening up in a quiet neighborhood. Checked it out with the severe shortage everywhere and the owners are hard core anti-vaxxers against ALL vaccines and have many social media posts about Chemtrails and other absolute off the wall crazy conspiracies. Thought to myself yep! Our local BPOU is filled with them. I feel bad for our local long serving and well respected Chief Medical Officer at our local hospital who is also a Real Republican that has had to tragically deal with families that fell for all this misinformation. Thanks Trump!

  5. Trump didn’t spread misinformation so I don’t know why you are blaming him because people got sick.
    He wanted people to get vaccinated. He and his family were vaccinated; he had to wait 90 days after he had covid to get the shot, but he did, just before leaving office. He, Melania and Barron all had Covid in October 2020, he and Melania were vaccinated in January 2021, after waiting the recommended 90 days. (I don’t know about Barron.)
    Reports that he didn’t take the pandemic seriously were completely false, propagated by networks that refused to broadcast the daily press conferences held in the rose garden. Nobody holds daily press conferences about things they don’t take seriously.

    So why is it Trump’s fault that a whole lot of people fell for misinformation?

    1. It not just Trump but the political and economic grifter elected and non elected officials including those in South Dakota that have taken advantage of vulnerable people that resulted in tragedies being death or complications and long COVID that I would not wish on anyone. Stories shared by traumatized medical staff of patients being violent towards them fighting and yelling convinced they did not have COVID and were victims of some diabolical plot only to die a horrible death not long after.

      Given the misinformation and disinformation spread by these grifters our public health resources and policies regardless of the political party in control have been compromised and weakened making us more vulnerable to the next pandemic.

      1. of all the public officials who made statements about Covid, name ONE who ever said it wasn’t real or said people should not be vaccinated. Because I do not remember a single one.

        People got their misinformation from spurious sources on social media, people who put on white lab coats and made youtube videos in which they claimed to be physicians.

        That is why Magahats who refuse to be vaccinated are so batshit crazy. It was Trump who fast-tracked the development of the vaccine, fast-tracked the testing and approval, got it distributed to all 50 states by December 15, 2020, who urged everybody to get vaccinated, and was vaccinated himself as soon as he was medically cleared to do so.

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