SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman speaking, appearing with former President Donald Trump at Trump event in Sioux City

SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman is part of the program with former President Donald Trump this Thursday in Sioux City, according to the official line-up for Donald Trump’s “Save America” Rally:

The official lineup for Donald Trump’s Save America Rally on Nov. 3 in Sioux City was announced Monday afternoon and includes the number of former party leaders and new hopefuls on the ballot.

While Trump is expected to address the crowd at 7 p.m., seven others are expected to speak to the crowd that day with speeches starting at 4 p.m.


Two former Trump Administration officials will also speak. Former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, who served as the ambassador to China for the Trump administration, is expected to speak at the event as is former acting Attorney General Matt Whittaker.

The remaining two speakers will be Iowa Republican party chairman Jeff Kaufmann and South Dakota Republican party chairman Dan Lederman.

Read the entire story here.

If you’re interested in getting tickets (and if they’re still available) you can get them here.

13 thoughts on “SDGOP Chair Dan Lederman speaking, appearing with former President Donald Trump at Trump event in Sioux City”

  1. Watching us twist ourselves into knots for Trump. We lambast John Dale for his election fraud claims but we still have our elected officials boosting THE election denier. What message does this send?

      1. Democrats will do anything to gain power and have no guiding principles other than
        1. Kill unborns up to birthday.
        2. Allow biological men to use womens bathroom
        3. Do not define what a woman is.
        4. Allow criminals across the border.
        5. Buy votes through social programs and government handouts.

        1. That picture of the “boogey man” Democrat you paint is pretty interesting. Funny thing is I know a lot of Democrats, and none are like this. Is it possible you could be wrong…..surely, I am exposed to only the anomaly, right?

        2. That is exactly right. The national media and their Democrat puppets blame Republicans and conservatives for things they themselves are doing.

          1. I dunno, I think the both are nuts. Dems started the election denialnonsense, imo. But what has happened after 2020 just took it to another level. A nationwide move to place election deniers at SoS offices is succeeding. Look here in South Dakota! I’m sure another dem candidate will be along shortly to go even further and then all of you can be happy it wasn’t your fault while the country flounders.

      1. Conspiracy theorist poster here. His focus for a long time was 5g, but the election denial has become his recent favorite.

        1. I was attempting to be sarcastic. I’m aware who he is, but can’t believe anyone takes him seriously. The Dunder Mifflin level website tells me everything I need to know about him. He’s South Dakota’s male Lora Hubbel.

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