SDGOP notes party has no official position on any other ballot measure besides H

From my mailbox, my spies are noting that SDGOP party chair sent out an e-mail today to Republican Party officials reminding them that the Republican Party has no official position on any ballot measures besides Amendment H.:

And not all Republicans even agree on H, but the SDGOP can certainly take positions as they did at the convention.

16 thoughts on “SDGOP notes party has no official position on any other ballot measure besides H”

      1. We are a pro-life party; however this social issue has been privately funded. The only issue affecting the party itself and could possibly evoke party changes would be H.

    1. Why would opposition be needed? It will be shot down in the courts due to Jon Hansen’s emergency law for people who regretted signing a petition. This is the new GOP platform: Let the unpopular decisions come from the judicial branch, where there is no accountability, and then the legislative branch can focus on getting money for themselves and keeping power, the important stuff.

      1. I understand the cynicism. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We could have a party that wants to win a broad and durable majority. We could have a pro-life institution that is principled rather than a grift. Reading this blog lately, though, gives little confidence in the SDGOP or SDRTL. A new generation of leaders may need to step up after November.

        1. Agree with this comment.

          A new generation of Leaders is absolutely needed. How do they clearly distinguish themselves from the lazy on policy, rhetoric pushing, poop flinging monkeys that are trying to take over the SDGOP?

          We need a label for this new generation that clearly shows we aren’t here for the circus.

          1. Will this new generation be fiscally conservative as well? Not all of us want to crash the USD to prop up our crypto investment.

  1. I’m surprised that the Republican party would not take a position on the many issues of substance that will be on the ballot in November. Amendment H is merely a better way of selecting our elected leaders.

  2. There just has to be a better way, and H is a good start. We must get the next generation of leaders interested and involved by encouraging participation in the process. This starts at square one, primaries. We should be embarrassed of the mess we have created for our children. Can we blame them for not wanting to register with a party or vote? 17% turnout in June is was an absolute disgrace.

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