Senator Thune barnstorming across US to raise money for Republican Senate Candidates

South Dakota’s senior US Senator John Thune has been spending part of this last week carrying water for the elephant on a national basis, as he was out raising money for key US Senate battleground contests:

On Friday, he traveled to Nevada to fundraise for Army veteran Sam Brown, the Republican establishment pick to challenge Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) in the fall. Thune spent the next two days in Montana to support Republican businessman Tim Sheehy, who is expected to advance in Tuesday’s GOP primary for Sen. Jon Tester’s (D-MT) seat.


“This is a make-or-break moment, really, for the country and an opportunity to get a Republican majority,” Thune, the Senate minority whip, said in a phone interview from Montana. “Everybody’s doing what they can — it’s a team effort — and we’re trying to contribute where we can help out.”

A large part of Thune’s efforts are geared toward the National Republican Senatorial Committee. He’s raised more for the campaign arm than any other senator this cycle besides its chairman, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT).

Read the entire story here.

Good on Senator Thune!