So what’s happening in 2020 with 8 months to go? SDWC’s semi-official chart of the 2020 campaigns!

Compared to 2018’s slobberknocker of a campaign season, 2020 is going to be a slower year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start talking about it with only 8 months to go until petitions begin circulating!

9 thoughts on “So what’s happening in 2020 with 8 months to go? SDWC’s semi-official chart of the 2020 campaigns!”

    1. No thanks. I’ll take Dusty who is a conservative who puts the constitution ahead of the party.

      1. Thanks. I needed a good laugh out loud moment. Dusty the Dem is as conservative as a John McCain was.

  1. Talk in the legislature is that Skyller Borglum is looking to run for US Senate against Rounds or Dusty Johnson for US House. She is getting more active and social media and traveling the state to Lincoln Day Dinners. She seems like a smart woman, but way to green behind the ears to take on a former 2-term governor and well respected representative.

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