Ravnsborg releases Crime in SD 2018 Statistics


Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg released today the Crime in South Dakota 2018 report. This report is compiled annually by the Attorney General’s Criminal Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) and is the most accurate and comprehensive compilation of criminal statistics in the state as it reflects the actual arrest and reporting information by South Dakota law enforcement. Criminal statistics are an indispensable asset to aid in identifying trends in criminal activity which, in turn, assists in crime prevention and enforcement efforts across South Dakota.

“The statistics we release today reinforce, once again, that South Dakota remains a safe place to live thanks to strong community involvement and the vigilant efforts of law enforcement,” said Ravnsborg. “Our statistics show that we need to continue to
strengthen our prevention, enforcement, and rehabilitative efforts in the areas of drug and alcohol addiction, but overall our law enforcement is working hard to KEEP SOUTH DAKOTA SAFE.”

South Dakota law enforcement agencies reported a total of 45,142 arrests involving 75,955 offenses in 2018. More serious offenses accounted for a total of 20,675 arrests and include the following: murder (1st and 2nd degree)-11, sex offenses-80, assault- 5,471, larceny/theft-1,643, fraud-800, drug/narcotic-8,205, prostitution-16, kidnapping-56, robbery-74, arson-27, burglary-306, motor vehicle theft-205, counterfeiting-133, embezzlement-31, stolen property-158, destruction of property- 576, pornography/obscene material-21, and weapon law violations-260. Less serious offenses included the following, DUI-6,087 (6,671 in 2017), liquor law violations-2,218 and disorderly conduct-2,495.

Some of the statistics which can be found in the report include a 28% drop in sex offenses from 2017, as well as a 32% decrease in thefts for that same period, yet those lower numbers of thefts reported still accounted for more than $28 million worth of property crime loss. At the same time South Dakota has still seen an overall increase of 49.37% in drug offenses over the past six years, reinforcing the knowledge that our law enforcement must remain vigilant and prepared to combat this issue.

For comparison purposes please note that some statistics reflect arrest numbers while others identify incident reports.

Crime in SD 2018 PR by Pat Powers on Scribd

27 thoughts on “Ravnsborg releases Crime in SD 2018 Statistics”

  1. DUI is “less serious”? Putting other people’s lives at risk by driving drunk is less serious, but if you take non-psychoactive CBD for seizures you are a hardcore drug user?

    1. There are stores that are bootlegging CBD oil. Get out the drug dogs close down those businesses. The mafia is alive and well in SD.

    2. Some CBD oil has THC in it. CBD is the unregulated craze free for all so one does not know all what is in it.

      1. So? Supplements are not regulated and no one cares. Not to mention you can just go online and have CBD arrive at your door.

  2. Looks pretty positive on juvenile justice. Looks like juvenile justice reform has paid off.

      1. Drug (Meth) arrests are up huge nationally. Pretty hard to make a rational argument blaming SB 70 when it is happening everywhere. What can’t be disputed is that if it were not for SB 70, we would either have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on prisons or would be mass releasing people on parole (which has less supervision than probation).

      2. Exactly, just like the myth of man caused global warming. Correlation is not equal to causation, ie CO2.

          1. You believe what NASA tells you?!! Did you know they gave Holland a “moon rock” that was actually petrified wood? They lie. Do you know how to make it through the Van Allen radiation belt?

            How about the gravity on Earth vs Moon? 1/6 gravity; astronauts should’ve been able to do back flips on the moon according to NASA. Never happened.

            William Cooper can help to educate you.

            1. So let me get this straight: can’t trust NASA, but should trust a guy who claims AIDS was made for black people and a cure already exists, that there are multiple conspiracies involving aliens and the Illuminati here on earth including JFK being assassinated because he was about to reveal an extraterrestrial takeover?

              Lay off the rubber cement, bud.

              1. I’m not your bud or a man.

                I didn’t tell you who you should or shouldn’t trust, but I see there’s a lot on your mind. I don’t trust govt agencies, but feel free to be you. The CDC once told us smoking doesn’t cause cancer, you trust the CDC?

                From the info I’ve come across, AIDS was created as population control and started in Africa. Bill Gates discusses this and why he uses vaccines to sterilize people. You are aware he was banned from India? Dr. Sebi said he cured aids and other diseases, then the govt tried to jail him, he won his court case.

                Can you explain why there are Illuminati symbols on our currency? I find it interesting and worthwhile to ask questions. You seem to just go along with what govt agencies tell you, that’s okay. What you believe does not affect me.

                1. The problem with conspiracy types, particularly in this instance, is that “just asking questions” is nothing but a dogwhistle for “aliens are trying to conquer the planet, trust us” and people are increasingly seeing through it. You demand evidence but feel no compunction to provide any yourselves. I’m not your friend, pal.

                  1. I’m not your pal, buddy. (I’m not the tinfoil guy above, just saying hi to a fellow fan.)

  3. @11:13 – Did I call you my friend? I can’t find where I even used that word, can you quote me?

    Didn’t the Founding Fathers conspire against Britain? They were sniffing rubber cement too I assume?

    I didn’t demand anything from you. I did present evidence: Bill Gates, Illuminati symbols on our currency and govt agencies lying. Did you skip that part?

  4. The friend, buddy, pal lines are a reference to a comedy. I was messing with you.

    People claiming Bill Gates said this are conspiracy websites. Snopes addresses this lunacy and how it spun out of control here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-vaccinations-depopulation/

    Illuminati symbols? The people who put those “illuminati” symbols were freemasons who saw the eye as referential to god, the great architect of the universe. It still has ZERO connection to any sort of nefariousness, you just vaguely wave your hands and think it means something.

    And did you just use the American revolution as an analog to an alien invasion? You sound kinda nuts, old chum.

    1. Why did Gates get banned from India? That’s not a theory. Gates addresses wanting to depopulate the world, his speeches are online. His father was head of Planned Parenthood for sometime, you know that place that kills humans. Many think Snopes is propaganda, so there’s that. The media does lie, you miss the Trump/Russia collusion lies?

      You know what the people who put Illuminati symbols on our money were thinking, wow, that’s amazing! Maybe you could quote them or there’s a recorded speech/documents available?

      No, I didn’t use the American revolution as an analog. I was pointing out many people conspire, conspiracy theories have started wars. It’s not a tin-foil hat thing to conspire.

      When you call names or verbally attack someone it usually means you don’t have much evidence to go on and attempt to discredit the person, not the information. Believe what you want, it doesn’t affect me, attacking me for information I provide is weak.

  5. “attacking me for information I provide is weak.”

    No, you see, this is how debates work. When your source is a conspiracy website or theorist with absolutely bizarre claims, people ask questions. Asking you about it is not, in any meaning of the word, weak. It is sensible. Gates’ talks about depopulating the world have very clearly revolved around birth control and lowering child mortality rates. As you said, that is all available online. You and your ilk are the ones filling in blanks with nothing more than paranoia and bubble gum. You claim that the media lies but again point to conspiracy websites as trustworthy alternatives.

    Conspiring along is not tinfoil hat wearing, but grand claims demand grand evidence. YOU. HAVE. NONE.

    1. I’m not debating you, I’m not trying to change your mind. I don’t care what you believe. There’s plenty of information online, including Gate’s own words that he wants to depopulate the world and that he’s banned from India because his vaccines sterilize people, I didn’t make it up.

      Here’s just one quote…
      “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

      What part of, “we could lower that” do you not understand?

      Attacking someone and not the information is weak. How many names have you called me? Believe what the CDC tells you, what NASA tells you, what all govt agencies tell you, that’s on you, not me.

      1. Again: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” He is referring to mortality rates and birth control. He has literally NEVER said anything about using vaccines for sterilization. Further, India banned Gates NOT for sterilization, but because of Gates’ connections with pharmaceutical companies, which the government saw as a major conflict of interest. NOT STERILIZATION, YOU DERP SANDWICH. Even then, read it from periodicals in India yourself: https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/health/story/20170306-bill-gates-foundation-vaccines-for-poor-india-health-985853-2017-02-27

  6. “The media does lie, you miss the Trump/Russia collusion lies?”

    You mean Barr’s summary?

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