South Dakota Democrats unable to come up with musical offering linked to South Dakota

From NPR, while nearly every other state could point to something musical relating to their state, South Dakota Democrats were unable to offer up musical tribute relating to their brand:

DJ Cassidy and the Democrats played special tracks for each state and territory during Tuesday night’s roll call.

But what song — or songs, in some cases — repped your state? We found them all so you don’t have to. Better yet, we offer some reasons behind the choices.

South Carolina: Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine – James Brown. James Brown was born on May 3, 1933, in Barnswell, S.C.

South Dakota: What I Like About You – The Romantics

Tennessee: 9 to 5 – Dolly Parton. Country music star Dolly Parton was born in Pittman Center, Tenn., and currently lives just outside of Nashville. Her Dollywood theme park and resorts are located in Pigeon Forge.

Read that all here.

Did they even try? That’s just.. kind of sad.

32 thoughts on “South Dakota Democrats unable to come up with musical offering linked to South Dakota”

  1. Really?? That’s the biggest criticism you’ve got? Come on, man! Admit it- the DNC is pulling off a rockstar level show while the RNC was an absolute snooze-fest and downer, especially if you’re not a Kool-Aid drinker.

    1. (Insert Democratic Candidate) can not do a rally without mentioning Donald Trump. Zero discussion on policy. All what Trump is going to take away(which most has been fact checked as lies or misleading).

  2. They could have used “Hell or High Water” by South Dakotans The Red Willow Band or Tom Peterson’s “An Iowa Driver on a Sioux Falls Street.”

  3. SD dems could use the song “Loser” by Charlie Puth. The refrain describes democrats very accurately.

      1. This coming from the group that can’t define “woman.”

        Wow! You can repeat a dumocrat talking point. Very, very good loser.

      2. HAHA i laughed because it’s true and some of us embrace our weirdness and put it on full display.

        Try being yourself sometime, it’s fun.

  4. Other than the Beatles “Rocky Racoon” what ‘Famous’ songs talk about South Dakota or were written and performed by South Dakotans?
    You know…something that a random person in Texas, or New Hampshire, or Florida would hear and think “Oh yeah…that’s South Dakota!”
    They didn’t exactly have any good choices – but you knew that.
    Yeah…we have some Regionally famous acts (like the previously mentioned Red Willow, Indigenous, and others) but outside of the region, nobody knows who these bands are. The most famous musician born in South Dakota would be Myron Floren…Not exactly the act you’d pick. After that it would be Shawn Colvin who moved out of state at age 10 and hasn’t really been back.

        1. From someone who belongs to a cult that can’t define what a woman is, thinks that men dressing up and pretending to be women is perfectly normal, and promoting the killing of unborn babies. Yep, all perfectly normal and healthy behaviors.

  5. Chris Stapleton literally has a song called “South Dakota”
    Very strong tune and lyrics.
    Probably not the DFP kind of music for sure.

  6. nobody tried

    The Maryland delegation couldn’t come up with the Star Spangled Banner?
    The Massachusetts delegation couldn’t come up with Sweet Caroline?

  7. The DNC Convention rocked and laid out a positive vision for the future of the USA.
    The TNC aka Trump Party National Convention? Not so much.

    1. I found the abortion-and-sterilization van particularly representative of the Democrats vision of the future.

    2. You can’t be serious.
      I saw Oprah Winfrey make a crack about “childless cat ladies.” She is a childless dog lady.
      with 3 dogs. Who have been set up with a $30,000,000 trust fund to provide for them when she passes.
      I’m not making that up, the DOGS have a $30,000,000 trust fund. $10 million each.

      Then there was Michelle Obama, talking about how people who “take more than they need” are evil and selfish. Capitalism is evil. The Obamas own a $12,000,000 7000 sq ft mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. It’s an island, in the Atlantic Ocean, a straight shot for any hurricane barreling up the east coast, close to sea level, and the Hamptons. Tell me you love capitalism without saying you love capitalism. Tell me you don’t believe in climate change without telling me you don’t believe in climate change.

      The best thing about these two women speaking was the crowd reaction. They ate it up, applauded wildly. Oprah and Michelle don’t just THINK the democrats are stupid, they KNOW they’re stupid.

      1. This is why no one takes you serious. Republicans couldn’t even fill an arena and their highlight is hulk hogan. Even when the truth is so visible and obvious to anyone with working eyes, you guys still deflect and try to act like you did better. This is why they call you so weird and cultists. Your beliefs are dying with your generation, thankfully.

        1. Really? The Democrats filled the United Center with some of the wealthiest and most privileged people in the country, who cheered wildly when told capitalism and people who “take more than they need” are evil.
          The idiocracy is here. The mass vasectomies and abortions can’t happen fast enough.

          1. Idiocracy follows the rnc almost perfectly. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is a perfect representation of Trump.and his uneducated cultists. Don’t you have a diaper to wear or a cup of semen to carry around?

        2. “Your beliefs are dying with your generation, thankfully.”

          This means you are of the younger generation? If so, for Christ sake do society a favor and do not have children!! We, as a society DO NOT need you to pass on your stupid genes to the next generation.

          1. Just not Anne’s generation. They are grasping at straws to stay relevant. Keep attacking abortion and women’s rights. Ban birth control and ivf. Tell women they should have kids or be failures. Tell them they belong in the home and submissive of their husbands. You are going to win the election for us.

            1. It’s interesting that the party that wants to ban guns and gas powered automobiles, restrict the private ownership of the means of production, and end private health care claims to be defending women’s rights.

              I prefer the party that thinks I have a right to self-defense, to own a car & real estate, and to have a health plan that will let me get a pacemaker when I am 100, not just a pain pill.

              Why do we want our country run by imbeciles who can’t even figure out what causes pregnancy? How did these women reach adulthood not knowing how to control their ovaries?
              How stupid does a woman have to be to get pregnant unintentionally? Contraceptive failure is the result of user error; they didn’t read or follow the directions; but they think they know how to run the country.

              If they want to run anything they need to learn how to tie their shoes first.

  8. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would have been a hit and boosted ratings for the Trump National Convention aka TNC. The rabbit holes of conspiracies and non sensical rambling would fit right in with Donald J. Trump with a consistent message along with whining and grievances. The crackpots will all be consolidated. Curious what Trump promised RFK Jr.? Head of FDA? CDC? Then again it is not like Trump keeps promises.

    After the election RFK Jr. could move to South Dakota to get his Freedumb too.

  9. SD dems’ song choice = lame. If you can’t pick something cool with a clever state connection, then just pick something cool. not hackneyed sports bar rock.

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