South Dakota Leaders react to violence in nation’s capital

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8 thoughts on “South Dakota Leaders react to violence in nation’s capital”

  1. So Dusty is saying we can’t talk about election fraud because it makes people angry. When is he and the other 2 going to get angry enough to put a stop to it using the political process? Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to control the entire National election results by cheating in a handful of cities? Why are they not doing something about Obama getting the keys to the Hammer in 2009, and now Biden’s dear China has one?

    1. …state Sen. Neal Tapio said in a recorded conversation in the state capitol of Pierre that “there will be one more terrorist attack between now and then and I will be the, just by the Trump effect, I will be the candidate.”

      Was this the terrorist attack he was referring to?

  2. Why don’t one of our congress people state who actually caused the damage? Trump supportets have a constitutional right to peacefully protest, which is what they did. Antifa stated they would infiltrate, and they did. There are pictures of them, and these same antifa people were present at other protests. Please don’t condemn those who want nothing more than fair and honest elections now and in the fiture.

    1. Give it a break. These were 30 and 40 year old “adults.” These weren’t teenagers looting Best Buy.

      If what you say were true, which isn’t, why didn’t the big tough Trumpies help the police? Help protect the People’s House? Or why didn’t Antics infiltrate the Pro-Life March and riot?

      They didn’t because Trumpies are just a bunch of bullies and thugs. They’re pussies one on one, but oh so tough in their little groups.

  3. We can be proud that our members of Congress all decided to support the constitution.

  4. The Constitution was designed to prevent violence.

    Creating unconstitutional laws and creating cover for unconstitutional acts creates violence and serves the interests of our enemies. Doing this over 40 years would lower national defense and allow foreign actors to take over the country and hack the nuclear stockpile.

    The present situation is not a manifestation of something bad within Patriots. The present violent situation was brought about by cowards and naves – yet millionaires – installed in leadership positions through the decades.

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