Statement from Senate Republican Caucus Leader Crabtree on Senator Julie Frye Mueller allegations

When the Senate took action today against State Senator Julie Frye Mueller, Mueller seemed to have a little less bravado than when she earlier proclaimed  “It is a sad day in America when advancing freedom becomes a crime,” and the Senate wasted little time in taking action as a regular employer would in investigating a matter of workplace harassment.

As noted in a statement issued today from Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree:

We were made aware of serious personnel allegations. Based on the nature of that allegation we needed to act quickly and prudently to protect the person involved. We will have due process in public with a goal to complete the process early next week.

Unfortunately, this whole circus interrupts a tremendous amount of progress that the legislature has been making on it’s own proposals. But hopefully, things will get back on track in short order.

14 thoughts on “Statement from Senate Republican Caucus Leader Crabtree on Senator Julie Frye Mueller allegations”

  1. JFM is the Legislator for my district and I would gladly have her replaced. She will not talk with me to hear my opinions of matters that are important to my household because they do not fit HER agenda. Disrespect and disregard for constituents is not healthy in a republic.

    1. Stating your opinion to her is like asking to be yelled at about how wrong you are, sadly voters in our district don’t know her very well so she doesn’t always get what she deserves, the boot from office would be nice. This incident surprised me none based on my previous interactions with her. Maybe I should circulate petitions to recall her?

    2. Don’t blame me, I voted for Goodwin.

      The voters made a mistake in keeping her in office.

      1. Someone acting out of line and disrespect is not cronyism. It’s due process and hopefully, it will prevail.

  2. I agree with “Anonymous” 1’s statement of “Disrespect and disregard for constituents is not healthy in a republic”.
    Having agreed on that, I offer that my experiences with Mssrs. Verchio, Rampleberg, Russell, Goodwin, Representative Ladner, Senator Frye-Mueller and now Representative Krull, I have agreed and disagreed with each of them on varying issues with a majority of them being in agreement around 90% of the time.
    As long as they explained their stance on their votes, they were doing their jobs for the majority of their constituents on issues that lined up with their beliefs.
    Senator Frye-Mueller IS passionate about issues she strongly believes in – especially when it comes to the safety and protection of South Dakota’s children when not under direct protection of their parents.
    So until more information on this comes out, I am not without sin so I cannot cast any stones.

    1. I also agree that a representative should listen to their constituents concerns and be respectful.
      That is expected and frankly, required of them.
      As far as Senator Frye-Mueller goes,
      We will have to see what the facts are. Chances are they (the facts I mean) won’t be able to be substantiated. As Senator Pischke stated, “it’s a he said, she said thing”. Unless there is an actual recording of this exchange, I don’t see how any of this can hold water. Meanwhile, the people of District 30 have zero voice right now in the senate and on two committees.
      The proceedings can be viewed here:
      Copy and paste into your browser if there isn’t a link

      The fun starts at 58:20

  3. “Conservatives” Frye and Jensen aren’t concerned with taxpayers having paying to clean s h * t off the walls of the Capitol while they support the a * * h o l e s who attacked the Capitol.

    1. What was on the Capitol’s walls? Were you cool in the ’80s when Dems set off a bomb in the Capitol? Were you OK when Scalise was SHOT at a friendly softball game? Were you all good with what went on the last two years (people dying, looting businesses, businesses going out of business, game moved from Atlanta to CO, precincts and police cars being set on fire and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on)? You were cool with whoever had to clean those messES up? Suppose you went and lent a helping hand, right?

        1. Whataboutism…the term liberals like to throw around to deflect the FACT that they can’t defend the actions of their side for doing the very same and many times worse than the actions they are accusing the conservative of doing.

          1. Hey! You took the bait! All those scenarios you describe, I say arrest, prosecute and throw the book at them! Violent discourse should never be allowed. If you are ok with what happened on Jan 6th, you have no standing to complain about those other situations you listed. Its not that hard… Do bad things, expect bad consequences. But, hey – you do you, and roll with your whataboutisim.

            1. Then by all means let the investigations begin. And let’s start with Joe Biden, both of his brothers, and his stupid son. Let’s investigate the pay for play business scheme and let’s have the Treasury Dept release the information on the 150+ questionable transactions for Hunter Biden. After all, al the liberal democrats have stated, if there hasn’t been any illegality then there’s nothing to worry about being investigated.

              Hey Pat, are you going to let this comment stand or are you going to delete it like you did my last comment?

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