State’s Attorney Dan Nelson being featured at Brookings GOP Luncheon tomorrow

Brookings County State’s Attorney Dan Nelson is speaking at the Brookings County GOP Noon Luncheon tomorrow at Cubby’s Bar & Grill in Brookings.

Check it out. Dan does a good job for the county, and should be one of those State’s Attorneys that people look at for bigger and better things in the future.

12 thoughts on “State’s Attorney Dan Nelson being featured at Brookings GOP Luncheon tomorrow”

  1. If S.B. 13 ([primaries for AG) passes, Dan could be a player. Might have a real contest, but at least he would have a shot.

    If it fails, say hello to AG Jon Hansen. No one else will have a shot at the Kookaberry Konvention.

      1. Marty will likely run for governor or us senate.

        Dan Nelson has little chance to be the next AG.

    1. I don’t see Hansen running for AG. It’s a law enforcement position and he doesn’t have that background.

        1. With Hansen hooking his boat to PIschke, he will be lucky to win legislative races in the future.

  2. I saw how Jon Hansen voted on the anti-semitism bill: he’s probably aspiring for the presidency of some liberal cesspool university.

    1. But it’s always a good time for an off topic JFM joke: JFM is back in her home district trying to explain why she hasn’t passed one of her own bills in her time in the Senate. “33 Senators won’t even let me in a committee” she exclaims. Her constituents believe she has milked that excuse long enough and really want to be immunized from her bad character.

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