That might be one of the dumber releases from the Democrats I’ve seen. Criticizing a state employee for not involving himself in the political?

Hot off the press from the Argus is one of the dumber releases from State Democrats that I’ve seen in a while.

Not that we’ve seen a lot of life from the other side of the aisle:

Party Chair Shane Merrill and Vice Chair Jessica Meyers called for Fury’s removal in a statement Tuesday, citing “negative national headlines” garnered during his time as Noem’s communications lead.


“At a time when Gov. Noem once again lacks a chief of staff, action must be made to hold individuals accountable for what can only be described as an utter failure in doing the basics of a public relations job,” Merrill and Meyers wrote in the joint statement. “Fury should not have allowed the publication of the Governor’s recent book without proper fact-checking and review.”


SDDP Executive Director Dan Ahlers told Argus Leader on Tuesday that while the recent negative publicity focused on South Dakota is tied to the dog-killing anecdote and inaccuracies included Noem’s book, Fury is responsible for the public relations “fumbles.”

Read the story here.

So, let’s get this straight. Democrats are demanding the ouster of a state employee, because he did not involve himself in the political aspect of what Governor Noem does? But they want to hold him accountable, because he “should not have allowed the publication of the Governor’s recent book.”

I’m pretty sure if there was information he was responsible for reviewing her book on the state’s dime, they would then be complaining he was doing so as a state employee.

I think Democrats can go back into their burrow for another 3-4 months, as they’ve managed to accomplish nothing once again.

35 thoughts on “That might be one of the dumber releases from the Democrats I’ve seen. Criticizing a state employee for not involving himself in the political?”

  1. Remember the smoke from the Canadian forest fires that affected South Dakotans with asthma last year? That putrid Doeden Dumpster Fire smoke must be affecting more South Dakotans than we realized including some SDDPers in high levels. What a misfire and waste of a press release. The simple question is where does the buck stop? Governor Kristi Noem! From promoting South Dakota as a refuge for Freedumb seekers from other states to this political career ending book release.

    Yep! Once again South Dakota was in the news and it does not reflect well on the state and left many in the nation and abroad wondering how the heck did she ever get elected in the first place to any public office?

    1. Since I don’t know your name I’ll just herein refer to you as Ignoronymous.
      So. Mr.., Mrs, Ms Ignoronymous,
      I’ll first answer your first question. The buck stopped long before it reached you .
      Next you apparently think that this kerfuffle will be “political career ending” event for Governor Noem. It will not. Much like Trump’s legal issues and Biden’s hair sniffing, it will barely cause a ripple in polls, especially outside of SD (much like the speeding tickets in 2010).
      Governor Noem was elected because she has clear vision, strength of character and a palpable love for South Dakota and South Dakotans.
      I hope this shines some light on the facts as they are and will be.

      1. Strength of character? She lied about meeting Kim Jong Un. Then she lied and said it was a mistake the publisher made. She made this claim AFTER SHE RECORDED THE AUDIO BOOK. She lies and lies and lies and lies and you still puff up her character. You are just as bad as the MAGA troglodytes you absolutely spineless sycophant.

      2. Does she still have strength of character if she cancels her book tour and appearances on CNN and Fox News at the last minute?

        Even Trump is disgusted at her behavior, Jeff Co Colorado canceled her appearance at their Lincoln dinner due to donors being outraged. Where does she go from here then?

      3. Ed, do you usually support obnoxious liars? Is it ok that our elected leaders lie? Is it ok that they lie about stuff that is easily disproven? Is there no value to integrity and honesty, the whole “my word is my bond” thing? Isn’t that a conservative value?

      4. ed – – re: the unfortunate propensity for conservative republicans to detect the presence of “palpable love” emanating from the authoritarians they revere and quasi-worship – – we see in trump that the “palpable love” people feel that trump has for them, doesn’t actually exist. we are tired of having notions like this thrown in our faces when we merely require that those who deign to lead us, behave with the common decency the rest of us exhibit in the normal course of our daily lives. stop it.

  2. EVERYONE knows.

    We all know that you never met with Kim Jong Un. You made it up. You aren’t fooling anyone. But they do believe that you killed your 14 month old pup.

    I don’t blame Ian Fury for this mess. Kristi Noem should take responsibility.

    Even Fox News personalities are mocking her now. Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino shredded her yesterday for her lies and obvious deflections. I can’t think of another South Dakota politician who has ever embarrassed us to this extent.

    She should pull her ads, stop talking to the national press for a while, and stay in Pierre until the public starts to forget about this. That last part… unfortunately… may never happen.

    1. Agreed. No more media. Apologize to the Tribes Apologize to South Dakotans. Apologize to Americans Use the remaining time she has in Pierre to keep her head down and govern. Use her free time to volunteer in the back out of sight at local animal shelters with jobs like cleaning up feces/urine in stalls and cat boxes for example. Humility, penance and out of sight service can benefit Kristi Noem.

  3. Sparky is an overpaid mouthpiece for Kristi. If she uses him for political advice, he probably told her to put the Kim Jong Un story in the book. For the middle-of-the-road people of South Dakota, Fury has done nothing to help make Kristi popular with them. I give him credit, he can count to 36 though. I would have lost that bet.

  4. What puzzles me, is, once again, no one is proof reading or editing what Kristi is writing, or more likely, dictating.. A thought rambles through her brain, escapes her mouth, and is committed to writing and preserved for History. Just what is Fury’s job?? If he can’t protect the Governor from embarrassment, and ridicule, he deserves to hit the highway.

  5. This is a dumb press release by the Dems. Why put something like this out while she’s self destructing?

    Eddie above seems to think nothing has changed and that everyone still likes her. Spend a little time looking around and you’ll see that Republican and Democrats both think she’s a liar. No Going Back from writing that you stared down Kim Jung Un — instead you go on multiple TV shows and talk generically about the many world leaders you’ve met. And that you’ve supposedly been making policy for 30 years – since you were 22? The whole thing is baffling. I wonder if she’s just a little bit embarrassed, or does the narcissm prevent her from feeling that way?

    1. She needs an intervention. Will the next interview change again where this time she borrows from Game of Thrones looks in the eyes of this beast sent by Lucifer and instead of a gun she has a sword and beheads it? George Santos is looking at this and probably thinking he should contact her and team up.

      1. Maybe she’ll end up on Cameo where we can have her send videos to our little dictator friends.

        What say you Ed? 💥

  6. The Governor just does not stop! Her stories keep changing from interview to interview. Cricket has gone from an adorable puppy that was adorable to the latest where she claims it was practically a Hell Hound sent by Satan and very dangerous to all!

  7. Yup. As you might have guessed… the first of many Kristi Noem Halloween costumes are in production.

  8. He should resign. So should Noem. She is a habitual liar. And she has no character either: the buck doesn’t stop with her – she blames others. This whole episode makes plain that she is exclusively out for her own interest. She’s a grifter, just like the guy she admires. And she thinks we are all idiots. She needs to go.

    1. So now the “No Going Back” book tour is being canceled? What happened to leadership? What happened to making tough decisions and forging ahead?

      Lololol Noem is and has always been nothing more than a pretty face that can make empty platitudes. Stick a fork in her, her goat is cooked.

  9. Let’s be honest, after the crapstorm he has been put through by the new book the thought of resigning has to have crossed his mind. There is not enough booze in the Pierre to dull that pain.

  10. Mean, untrainable, and less than worthless at her job. And no, I’m not taking about Cricket.

  11. can we get back to the issue of a state employee working or not working on a personal or campaign project of the governor?
    The book wasn’t state business. So then it’s personal, which a state employee shouldn’t be paid to work on, or it is political, campaign literature, which a state employee should not be paid to work on.
    This is pretty simple: the book isn’t Ian Fury’s problem.

    1. This is true. This isn’t his fault – but he should have seen an advanced copy and told her that this is going to look bad for the state overall and her in particular.
      She’s turned the state into a punchline for late night comics and targets for mocking on news shows across the political spectrum. And someone should have looked at her and told her that this totally predictable turn of events was likely to happen.

      1. Someone should’ve coached her a bit before going on the defensive about the book. She’s getting mauled by the press, no wonder why she was a coward and canceled her appearance on Gutfield and the book tour.

  12. What exactly do Ian and whoever is ghosting the office of governor’s press secretary do?

    I have yet to see Fury engage in anything other than the fanning the personal political ambitions of his employer for the past year and a half.

    Seriously, name one statewide benefit we have for the quarter-mil of our tax dollars we’re dumping on the governor’s comms office personnel.

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