Thune: “Bidenomics” is a Nightmare for South Dakota Families

Thune: “Bidenomics” is a Nightmare for South Dakota Families

 “With at least a year more on the president’s time in office, I’m afraid that Bidenomics will continue to eliminate American families’ breathing room for the immediate future.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about the incredible burden South Dakotans are facing as a result of “Bidenomics.” Thune noted that Americans are having to deal with record-high prices and sky-high interest rates on credit cards, mortgages, and car loans due to President Biden’s big-government, big-spending agenda.

3 thoughts on “Thune: “Bidenomics” is a Nightmare for South Dakota Families”

  1. They are trying really hard to paint a negative picture on something for the 24′ election. Maybe instead of working so hard to make Biden look, old, senile, and criticize “Bidenomics”, they should propose a policy. The only problem is the only one proposing policy is Trump, and that policy is “wiping out the vermin (dems)”, banning trans people, banning books, eliminating the Dept. of Education (which doesn’t impact anything he’s targeting, but sounds good to the home school / religious crowd), and banning men in women’s sports (as if the agencies can’t govern themselves NCAA, SDHSAA, Etc.). No wonder GOP is struggling at winning elections. How about some actual policy? Policy that will not just benefit the top 1% of earners, policy that will win you votes perhaps, do you have any of that John?

    1. Don’t expect a whole lot. If we would have had leadership in the first place maybe they would have investigated some of the problems that have now been substantiated in the 2020 election. There’s a good chance we wouldn’t have been hobbled by the disaster Biden.
      Another example is we have proof the J6 committee lied to push their insurrection propaganda and there are good people in jail to this day that don’t deserve to be there. Now you don’t see anyone doing anything about that do you?
      Apparently it all has to do with how important it is to the ruling class, and that is why the GOP can’t hang on to power any length of time.

    2. The 2024 massive defeat for the GOP may result in a total housecleaning where the extremists walk away or a new political party is formed where the reasonable, sane, mainstream and have an interest in actual governing. The GOP plummets securing it’s position as a minor political party consumed with conspiracy enthusiasts and extremists.

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