Toby Doeden update: A free meal & cash bar tonight. And Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are a plot by the superwealthy to push the COVID vaccine

I was noticing that “Congressional explorer” Toby Doeden has placed advertising over at the Dakota Scout, once again using “general public political advertising to publicize (his) intention to campaign,” despite the fact he has not registered a committee with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).  Also saw that Doeden is hosting an event in Aberdeen tonight, featuring a cash bar & free meal, and the mayor of Aberdeen promoting his exploratory effort.

Did they need the cash bar, or the mayor of Aberdeen to get people to attend?

So what will the topic of the event be?  Given Doeden’s history of postings to the Internet, I’d say that we could hear about America’s most important topic.. the state of Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift’s romance, and how it’s a plot by the superwealthy to push the COVID vaccine!

Reportedly, #traviskelce was paid $20m to push the covid vaccineAnd you thought Travis and Taylor Swift dating was organic and cute.  When will ALL Americans wake up and realize that the super wealthy control what you do, what you think, and soon will control even more.”

And that person who publicly posted that to facebook wants to actually represent our state in Congress?


12 thoughts on “Toby Doeden update: A free meal & cash bar tonight. And Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are a plot by the superwealthy to push the COVID vaccine”

    1. i’m typing this with the tentacles that grew from the four covid shots i’ve had. they’re kind of handy to have if you train em right.

    2. yes the covid vaccine which has now been administered to 70.6% of the world’s population, who have now been incapacitated by nanoparticles and spike proteins. This has caused civilization to collapse, entire nations to be depopulated, and the global economy is in turmoil. The world hasn’t seen such devastation since the Bronze Age Collapse of 1200 BCE.
      It’s amazing that the remaining 29.4% have been able to provide an illusion of normalcy, which has caused so few people to realize how terrible those vaccines are..

      1. Don’t forget to tell about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation vaccine microchips that are used for mind control and cause those being vaccinated to be infertile with their plan to depopulate the Earth.

      2. Excess mortality, heart malfunctions, and turbo cancers are through the roof in the most heavily vaccinated locations. Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

        But keep boosting, I couldn’t care less. I’m just happy to see that less than 20% of Americans are still falling for it. The world still needs suckers — you’re filing a valuable role!

        1. Yes! After getting the jab I experienced “sudden death” but was brought back to life by a local wellness place I walked by that sells those shakes and crystals and this nice staffer poured one of those shakes down my mouth and waved a crystal over me and I was revived and brought back to life!

          Now I take a crab salts supplement which make me immune to everything and is a cure all.

          Toby Doeden for Congress!. He is one of us!

        2. Cancer is on the increase in dogs at a very alarming rate but they didn’t get vaccinated.
          Cancer has been on the increase in young people for several years and it correlates with obesity, as does heart disease and excess mortality.

          It is a fact that people who are vaccinated are less likely to require hospitalization, develop complications, or to die when they are infected with covid. And whether you were inoculated or infected with those spike proteins, it doesn’t make any difference. You got ’em, and the antibodies in your body are the same. If you believe you have not had covid, get an antibody test. You probably have them and don’t even know it.

    1. It is not that big of a venue with tables set up as they were.

      Free food. Entertaining. Bring a shovel and hand it to Doeden when he starts talking as he digs himself into hole after hole with crazy nonsense. He loves attention!

      Add local politically fringe Libertarians which are the big supporters of this QAnon candidate.

      QAnon followers who will drive a distance even in this extreme cold since this is their candidate who is one of them.

      Other political extreme attendees


      Some employees and am curious if they are paid to be there.

      Then you have the genuine anti-Summit Carbon pipeline opposition fighting for a just cause but would caution that they keep a safe distance from this candidate that could be a serious liability to their cause.

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