Tom Pischke promises to embarrass South Dakota again in 2025

We must be coming up on the election, as South Dakota State Senator Tom Pischke is already promising to embarrass South Dakota again in 2025.

And as he did in January, Tom’s 2025 agenda is already pre-focusing like a laser on chem trails:

2025 won’t be about jobs. It won’t be about trying to balance the budget.

It’s just going to be chemtrails, the new world order, and everything else your crazy uncle links to on Facebook.

31 thoughts on “Tom Pischke promises to embarrass South Dakota again in 2025”

  1. Katie Hoffman is an idiot. It only makes sense she would be supporting Tom. I’m not sure if people know how insane these people act. Chubby Braithwait is another crazy. So far their lawsuits have cost Lawrence County taxpayers over $33k in attorney fees.

    1. That woman is the definition of idiot. Can you imagine being so stupid, you can’t figure out you’re stupid? And then double down by stalking, insulting, and berating people who dare actually be intelligent and hold any stitch of common sense?

      She embarrasses herself so much, I almost feel bad for her…almost.

  2. Yes Katie is a fool, but her and the rest of the nuts mobilized and voted. Which is how her fellow lunatic, Travis ismay, was elected. I’m not sure how these absolute idiots get people voting with, and for, them. Embarrassing for our state. I’m just hoping their antics don’t get picked up by a national outlet and the rest of the nation starts to think we are all morons.

    1. Plenty of whack-jobs won primaries this year.

      One can only hope the normal ones can hold them off. I pity the normal ones if Hansen gets to be speaker. The whack-jobs will be chairmen of important committees.

    2. “I’m just hoping their antics don’t get picked up by a national outlet and the rest of the nation starts to think we are all morons.”

      With past legislative sessions being a clown circus making national news the rest of the nation already believe the state is filled with morons and we are all a bunch of uneducated hicks. This upcoming session will plunge South Dakota to a new level of bad press being a national embarrassment.

      Every time we make embarrassing national news more unhinged conspiracy obsessed idiots will move to South Dakota to get their FreeDumb. Hey! They called me the village idiot in my town more so when I got active in politics. I can move to South Dakota blend right in, get respect and get elected to their legislature!

      1. The clown circus will indeed be back in the big top, with all three rings in operation and a freak show out back in the caucuses.

        That is the topic for the Opening Rant at todays Conservatives with Common Sense breakfasting.

  3. I watched Jackley’s press conference. I think session will be about creating a strong auditor in SD. I was very impressed by his stance. I can see Dems and Republicans joining forces on that if it’s a strong proposal.

        1. I agree. Constant state scandals are the issue. Too much remote work. Too many areas of government consolidated under the executive branch or the governor. The lanes are muddled up get people back to a clearly defined role of government.

          When those problems are addressed they can focus on chemtrails.

  4. Doeden/Pischke or will it be Pischke/Doeden 2025 for Governor?

    Campaign slogan: Time to ban all chemtrails, masks everywhere and vaccines in South Dakota and we are just getting started!

    1. This is laughable!!! Pischke or Doeden wrote this. Pischke couldn’t lead a group of toddlers to the lunchroom, let alone the senate. Doeden leading our state would be gross as hell as well.

    1. Crazy Larry Kurtz an old regular over at the now defunct Dakota Free Press has posted that everywhere. He is limited to one or two sentences that he must copy and paste. Poor fella has smoked so much pot the Dementia really set in early and it is all he can post these days. Former drug enforcement officer Ed Moses covered that too during the Protect SD Kids Tour.

      1. Easy there on grudznick’s close personal friend, Lar. Tomorrow at the Conservatives with Common Sense breakfasting, we will talk about many subjects, but we will not talk about Lar.

  5. It would be the People’s will to elect average, commoners to the legislature, to county commissions, to city councils. Our mode of self governance is designed to twist and turn in circles, as to avoid allowing the same group of people to from remaining in power for long periods of time. Every so many years, peoples revolution must occur, as such, that the government is checked, and maintained in its proper restraint. We are seeing the old established guard being removed from their public seats, allowing for a new guard to step into those seats. It is a beautiful thing to see. God works in mysterious ways.
    – Sioux Falls resent.

    1. Your signature perfectly encapsulates the stupidity of the words that proceed it.

      — also a Sioux Falls RESIDENT

    2. And how does any of this pertain to being dumb enough to believe in chemtrails? Unless you’re dumb enough to believe in Pisskey being a good legislature

  6. The next session will be the Legislative high water mark for the idiot right of what used to be the Republican Party. Tin Foil sales will soar. Chem trails will require a good deal of time and attention from both Houses. The Governor will not take a position on the gossamer clouds.

  7. I like Tom, he has some crazy ideas, but at least he works for the people as opposed to everyone else in Pierre who work for those “donor’s scorecards” at the end of the session. You know ALEC isn’t handing him a bill on chemtrails, he will have to write it himself. Very few of the elected officials will talk to their constituents, most are on the “democracy is mob rule” train, and that means they are forcing their personal beliefs on us, ignore our opinions, and they get reelected because the media demonizes the other choice on the ballot, time to pass amendment H and get these autocrats out.

    1. That’s right, he’ll be writing the bill on chemtrails himself. Wonder if he’ll do it in Crayons or finger paint?

      1. Well let’s see.

        There is the SDGOP caucus.
        The SD Democrat Caucus

        Then there will be the new NAZI-SD caucus. They will write the new chemtrail ban bill and banning any type of weather modification. Lord knows what other crazy off the wall and Fascist bills they will introduce.

  8. With election day fast approaching we can make serious inroads to flush the Trump, Tom and Toby turds down the toilet along with those who are allied with them. It may take a few flushes, the toilet may get plugged where the plunger may be needed but we can do it! Turn on the exhaust fan, open a window to get that dumpster human excrement stink out of our politics and thoroughly decontaminate with Lysol toilet bowl cleaner.

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