Update: Congressional explorer Toby Doeden now dropping $1000 to push out videos on social media attacking me.

I had better things to do as I begin my workday here at South Dakota’s happiest political website – celebrating 19 years, and based in the lower level of my home in Brookings, when I checked Facebook… and noticed that Congressional Explorer Toby Doeden must still be butt hurt over how I pointed out he has never voted in a Republican Primary during the course of the last 20 years.   

Why? Because he’s paying to run advertisements on facebook for the video he made attacking me after my pointing this out. (I’ll put up the graphic again, since it seems to have vexed him so.)

For Republicans, that’s a bad voting record. Toby, bad voting record. Bad, bad voting record!

Ultimately, it was his choice whether to participate in the Republican elections across the last 20 years, so I’m not sure why he feels the need to shoot the messenger. But, I’m guessing self-reflection to be a better person is not a tool in his toolbox.  

Speaking of shooting the messenger, what’s Toby spending to attack me?

So far, there appears to be 2 flights of the amateurish ads that he started running yesterday to the tune of $900 total, which he’s targeted to an audience of 500,000 – 1,000,000 people.

That’s nearly $1000 he’s not spending to increase his name identification. He’s not using it to hire campaign staff. Not spending on stickers or flyers. Not even using it to reduce some poor single mother’s rent after he raised it by 48% this last year.  Nope.

All that time, energy, and money are going towards calling me a poopy-head like a 12 year old girl on tik tok?

This campaign is over before it ever began.

16 thoughts on “Update: Congressional explorer Toby Doeden now dropping $1000 to push out videos on social media attacking me.”

  1. Any petitions out at all?

    How long can this be an exploratory committee?

    Is there a spending limit under this classification?

    That dumpster fire will create an enormous amount of drag if towed behind his jet when he flies down to Brookings.

    1. That’s what I was wondering, too. How can he possibly be calling this an exploratory committee? Surely he’s broken some campaign laws by now, considering the campaign expenditures he’s made + events, interviews, etc.

      You’re our expert on campaign laws, Pat — interested to hear what you have say on the subject?

  2. This much money spent on general public advertising without declaring it has to be a violation of FEC. If not, it’s just not ethical. Toby, where did you get all of your money? Why does nobody like you? Is it lonely being this angry?

  3. “Hey, hey guys! Look at me!! Let’s question Dusty’s voting record?” – Dumpsterfire Caveman

    “WHAT!? Why are questioning my voting record??” – Dumpsterfire Caveman

  4. Technically, you started this little cat fight. I have a rule, if you start it, you must suck it up, and take the fire as it comes back to you. I seen the video, I did not say anything but call out Pat for attacking him. But the funny part, he never threatened you, nor attacked you. I think someone needs to gro some big balls. Gro a Pair, and be quiet.

    1. Actually, I don’t think Pat is upset at all…actually he probably finds this very amusing. *Correction, he does find this amusing.

      If Toby cannot handle being called out by a blogger, what is he going to do when big time media(No offense Pat, you are big time in my book) comes after him. He will crumble in Washington.

      In his hometown in NE SD, there are only 3 people that like him and two of them were his parents and they are dead!

      1. Uff da. This comment is a dumpster fire. Dusty has won because he’s a policy nerd and he listens. His attack surface is either not known by Doeden, or he’s saving it. Even then .. I don’t think the statistics bear out that Johnson is vulnerable, but that’s a hip shot admittedly. I don’t typically spend my vote on people with more money than brains. Neither do my friends (all 246 of them). The pipeline is not needed, but it’s smart to pursue and if you’re a loyal South Dakota you get it I think. Regarding calling Pat a loser and a clown, I took no joy in that .. really cringe worthy since, I believe, Pat wins his elections. How many elections have you won, Pat? What was your total campaign investment? If I’m seeing the chess board clearly, your investment was .. negative. The sexual connotations of the “ad” were also extremely cringe. As cringe as telling Doeden to install a sit-up machine on his jet. Just completely inappropriate, lame-brained, and low-brow. So, keep it above the belt, gentlemen. Now, fight!

  5. I’d like to know where the $250k Toby publicly donated to the Aberdeen Humane Society via his nonprofit organization is documented

  6. I would not be surprised if the Rydell Automotive Group out of Grand Forks, ND finances a new buyer for Aberdeen Chrysler Center and cleans house. If any business or property has anything to do with Doeden I’ll stay well clear of it. Toby Doeden is finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

    Meantime someone send Toby a big pacifier or present it to him at an event.

  7. Now Doeden just announced that he will not run against Dusty Johnson and will focus on South Dakota creating the strongest Advocacy Group for Conspiracy Enthusiasts in South Dakota History.

    He will financially fund candidates for this new Wackadoodle group

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