USD Law School Professor: Whiteness is a disease

Remember the Anti-Gun USD Law School Professor who thought Brett Kavanaugh should be disqualified from serving on the Supreme Court because he was discourteous to US Senators?

A legislator who was just re-elected and will be returning to Pierre just forwarded me a nugget of wisdom that USD Law School professor Sean Kammer had apparently posted to Facebook yesterday. One where he declares that “whiteness is a disease:”


17 thoughts on “USD Law School Professor: Whiteness is a disease”

  1. I had a great Science teacher in Jr. High, Mr. Kendall.

    I don’t recall what his politics were, but he was good at and loved his job.

    On the wall he kept a poster that I think applies to this professor.

    It read: “Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever.”

    1. So this is a surprise? After looking at the wiki page of Professor Emeritus Frank Pommersheim as a member of the Camden 28, what’s the problem? They have had a few fantastic professors and a bunch of left wing crazies, your tax dollars at work! I love the idea we pay these people, who hate SD values, to spread this crap, teach our kids, and collect a retirement check when they’re done.

      1. You won’t hear a bad word about Pommersheim as an educator from anyone who ever took his classes. Nationally respected as one of the top Indian law professors in the country.

        1. What is a top Indian law professor?
          Are you diminishing his work or quantifying it? I’d rather be thought of as just a top professor.
          To be judged as good or bad by your race is in itself racist isn’t it?
          Insert any term identifying ethnicity, gender, sexual identity or whatever else you want to classify his success/failures. How the democrat mind works lacks complete thought.
          Terrible thing to waste.
          He needs to be held to the same standard as supremist’ s of all stripes. To judge white men and women in this way he’s guilty of what he’s saying?

          1. As in he taught the subject of Indian Law and was one of the best at doing it ya goof. Why would you immediately leap to that assumption?

            1. Because may awards and accomplishments are awarded this way including Elizabeth Warren claiming ethnicity for a job at Harvard. DUHHHH

  2. I can guarantee if i were a professor and stated that blackness is a disease, i would be fired. And so should he.

  3. What about those who are of mixed races? A child has a white parent and an Indian parent, is the white part the diseased part and the child should be ashamed of them self?

  4. I am of the belief that teachers who profess their politics to their students have failed in their jobs.

    And I speak as a high school teacher.

  5. I’m so confused. I thought we were pursuing a color blind society and one’s race didn’t make one superior or inferior relative to another.

    This is the definition of disease: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

    By definition, this professor is a racist and is asserting a particular person is inferior to others because of one’s race.

    If I were a USD law grad, I’d be so ashamed and embarrassed.

  6. This guy should be fired. If he said blackness was a disease there would be riots it the street and national calls for his dismissal. This is absurd.

    1. What happened to… I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

      I’m not so into the cancel culture. However, I do think it’s important people are aware of what Sean believes about his white students, so thanks to the person who helped expose this. DWC’s article does pop-up when doing a search of this professor. And, I do believe there are some students who are independent thinkers and would challenge trash like this.

      Not only should alumni be embarrassed, but USD law school should be as well. From what I’ve heard, Sean has a reputation and it’s not a honorable one.

    1. the spread of this chart compared to the overall turnout and the election count proved again that the racial makeup of the country is mostly white; by incrementally smaller margins than in the past, but still mostly white. to parlay the basic fact of it into more opportunities to play the race card is self serving and makes a political bludgeon out of the intellectual pursuit of understanding.

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