USD “Updates” free speech policy because of looming Free Speech bill

With the spotlight on them for policies and actions that have brought a bill to the fray, via the Argus Leader, the University of South Dakota is changing policies in free speech as the Board of Regents are set to answer for them in legislative committee:

The incident, as well as shifting free speech policies on South Dakota’s college campuses – USD just updated its policy – suggest to supporters of the bill that an ironclad state law is needed to ensure the First Amendment is protected.


Back at USD, Haraldson said the university’s updated policy expanded free speech. Previously, there were just three places on campus that were considered free speech zones, where groups could demonstrate or hold rallies. That policy went into effect years ago amid concerns that protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, who protested at campuses and military funerals with anti-gay signs, would show up at USD.

Now, under the new policy, the entire campus is open to free speech.

Read it here.

As the bright spotlight of legislative attention is upon them, USD Changed their policies.  But if that’s all it takes to change them, what’s to stop them from changing them back once the heat is off?

A new state law, perhaps?

13 thoughts on “USD “Updates” free speech policy because of looming Free Speech bill”

  1. You’ll soon be hearing about how campus administrators and diversity bureaucrats are actively pressuring students to come out against the free speech bill. They are actively abusing their power over students to coerce them. This needs to end! The legislature needs to do a full investigation of all of the corruption on campus.

  2. So USD just admitted to the Argus that it had restrictive speech codes controlling what students say? How interesting! And as soon as the legislature shows concern they drop those codes. We need a law to protect students now

  3. That bureaucrat at USD is priceless. I love how any student speech must “allow for appropriate discussion by diversity experts”. In other words, we’re controlling speech! Where do they get these idiots. It looks like this guy is from the east coast.

  4. does anyone believe USD spokeswoman Tena Haraldson that this film was canceled just so they could get a bigger room? I have some ocean front property in Arizona for you. these people need to be put under oath, brought in front of a committee, and made to explain. there is zero accountability in their liberal academic bubble.

    1. My bet is that the event was cancelled and then later allowed only because of the backlash against the cancelling. Either way, the USD officials gave the opposing side cover and time to organize. The very fact that the university officials believe that THEY can determine what the call “appropriate discussion” is all anyone dedicated to the First Amendment needs to support HB 1073. To see the source for my quote, access

  5. This Argus story says “USD just updated its policy” — how convenient! In the capital they are saying that USD immediately dropped their “speech codes” as soon as the free speech bill was filed. And USD scrubbed their website the exact same day. The universities gonna have some splainin’ to do!

  6. This is key from the news story—“The film cancellation incident, as well as shifting free speech policies on South Dakota’s college campuses – USD just updated its policy – suggest to supporters of the bill that an ironclad state law is needed to ensure the First Amendment is protected.”

    The liberals who control our campuses can just make up any “policies” they want at any time and change them every month. That’s why we need a law people. Let’s pass it now!

  7. Has anyone tried to assert their First Amendment rights on this issue at any South Dakota university? I imagine the ACLU would be fairly interested, and once involved, the universities in question would backpedal pretty quick. Just wondering if there’s actually a need for this law? Seems to me we’ve already got this covered in the Constitution.

  8. i’m glad the department of “journalism” at USD is sooo good at lying to the press and attacking the First Amendment. Never send your kids to USD, people. it’s controlled by the left for the left

  9. Haven’t you heard Ike? The ACLU is now opposed to free speech! they won’t help anybody fight the campus left

    1. No, I haven’t heard I guess?

      “Q: How does the ACLU propose to ensure equal opportunity in education?

      A: Universities are obligated to create an environment that fosters tolerance and mutual respect among members of the campus community, an environment in which all students can exercise their right to participate meaningfully in campus life without being subject to discrimination. To advance these values, campus administrators should… vigilantly defend the equal rights of all speakers and all ideas to be heard, and promote a climate of robust and uninhibited dialogue and debate open to all views, no matter how controversial.

      From the ACLU page on campus speech:

      Seems like they’re pretty much on the side of the First Amendment, like always.

  10. All I need to know is that the ACLU, the Regent bureaucrats, and liberal students on campus controlled by the diversity experts are opposed to this bill. In favor of the bill are 40 legislators, Congresswoman Noem, AG Jackley, the SD Republican Party, the SD College Republicans, free speech advocates etc etc. Vote yes on HB73!

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