Weren’t the confederate counties supposed to have a meeting on Saturday? (*Update!*)

If you recall, the Confederate Republican county organizations decided on their lonesome to have a meeting yesterday in Oacoma.  The group, now calling themselves the “By-Law Compliant Counties,” supposedly met. And we’ve had nothing.

Nevermind the fact that the meeting was not called by the SDGOP chair, the SDGOP completely disavowed it, and underlined that fact by noting they’re not paying for it.  Because they already had a Summer Central Committee meeting – called the State Republican Party convention.

People are e-mailing me asking what happened. And in the hours since… there have been crickets.  It’s like they held fight club, where the first rule of fight club is that “You do not talk about fight club.”

No one is really talking about the meeting.  No pictures, comments, anything on social media.

I’m not sure what they’re going to talk about, other than almost none of these county groups have sent money into the SDGOP (per the county quota they’re supposed to be using to support the party), and their antics are keeping outside donors from investing with the GOP to support Republican candidates.

These are lean times for the Republican Party. It would be nice if they could be part of the solution.



Just got a big update on what went on, literally 10 minutes after my post. And it sounds as if the truth was weirder than the speculation.  It was a glimpse into what we may see as the next iteration of the Republican Party after party elections in January/February.  And, have to say, not getting a warm fuzzy.

As was related to me, the group felt they needed to gavel themselves in for some reason and elected Tom Brunner, as their pseudo-chair.. kind of a consolation prize from the last time he wanted to be chair. I’m told they selected Starla Russell from Fall River County to be “Secretary Pro Temp,”  and Travis Ismay to be Sgt. at Arms.  The head table was manned by R. Shawn Tornow, Stu Cvrk, Brunner and Amy Wagner from Pennington County.

What else? They apparently charged everyone $21 for this event, because that’s how much lunch was. And then they moved into presentations on ballot measures.

I’m told Jon Hansen presented on Amendment G, Ezra Hayes on Amendment H, and someone on 21. They decided to oppose all three.  Nathan Sanderson presented on IM 28, which they decided to oppose.  Jim Kinyon presented on IM29, which they also decided to oppose.  Tony Venhuizen spoke on Medicaid work requirements, Amendment F, which they voted to support – the only one they voted to support.

The group did all of this by voice vote.  Which, since they hosted an echo chamber, you can imagine how it went.

They also discussed Amendment E, removing gender from the constitution. I’m told there was a little bit of debate on that – some people saw it as unnecessary – and they decided not to take a position.

What else? I heard the group did resolve that the party should spend $10,000 opposing the open primaries measure, Amendment H.  I’m also told spokesman Ezra Hayes told them they should work raising it themselves, given the party’s finances. But thinking there’s an unending well of money is a trend with these guys.

After that, they invited Kristie Fiegen to speak as a PUC Candidate. I’m also told Attorney General Marty Jackley was in attendance.

It sounds as if the primary result of this meeting was to motivate those present to work on ballot measures.  With only a passing glance to the actual reason we have a Republican Party organization – to elect candidates. Why aren’t they rallying to get our guys elected? It seems as if they consider it a foregone conclusion.. nevermind the fact that the party’s finances are dire at this point.

Honestly, what are these people doing?  It’s as if the Republican Party of 2024 has become the Democrat Party of the late 1990’s/early 2000’s, when they started tying their fortunes to ballot measures.  And we all know how that’s gone for Democrats. It’s a massive shift of resources and focus – and not for the better.

It’s taking the Republican Party’s eye off the ball, and choosing the golden calf over the ten commandments.

But, this is South Dakota politics, and there are some who just want to take Republicans from complete electoral dominance to wander around in the wilderness for a few decades.

66 thoughts on “Weren’t the confederate counties supposed to have a meeting on Saturday? (*Update!*)”

  1. The GOP party meeting in Spearfish was the place to be. This big mouth woman stood up and started yelling at Fitzgerald and said Schoenbeck supports Vote yes on H. Fitzgerald said she had no control over Schoenbeck. The big mouth’s husband tried to shut her up but she kept pointing her finger and yelling. The party is losing good people because of the radicals.

    1. Anon 8:09: Maybe you should post your name. You need to be committed or at least get back on your meds!!!!

      1. Nicole Braithwaite is her name. She has filed several lawsuits against Lawrence County. You know the hand counting of ballots, etc. machines hooked up to the internet that are not.

    2. Mr Dale screaming and yelling at a person is never the path to follow. Are you talking about the same Odenbach that has been in the legislature for 4 years and never passed any legislation? The group of misfits were disorderly and rude. That’s not how anyone should conduct themselves in public. I hope they are never present at a meeting again. Mr Dale argued with a medical doctor about marijuana.

      1. Such a tired criticism.

        When the majority of representatives don’t dot he right thing, expect dissent.

        Is there dissent?

        Are Odenbach’s proposals the right things?

        Full damage control.

  2. The meeting was very informative. There many excellent speakers. And the lunch was pretty good too!
    There were a number of state representatives and officials in attendance, including PUC and AG. Differing opinions were heard, and consensus votes voiced.
    The meeting ended on time with having gotten through the entire agenda. Overall, we know now where we need to focus efforts and funding to defeat certain ballot items, as well as where we need to focus efforts on assisting Republicans in contested races.

    Of note, this coming Saturday you can support Kristie Fiegen in Huron at the Freedom Stage at 1 pm.

    1. Jackley is inclusive and wants to support building the party. Marty will be a great governor for SD if we are lucky enough to have him run.

    2. If there were differing opinions, why weren’t people presenting on both sides of issues. It was an echo chamber and nothing more.

      If you were going to focus efforts on contested races, why didn’t the event include Congressman Dusty Johnson?

    3. Amber Werdel: Do the rest of the Republican’s get a chance to know how you or “they” stand on these ballot issues and where you “they” are going to spend that money raised to “focus your efforts”? The Republican Party hasn’t taken a position on some of these, such as SB 201.

      How do you intend to advertise yourself when you are out asking for checks from the public? Will you tell them that you are a part of the Republican Party that decided to break off and “do their own thing” because you don’t agree with the Party’s agenda?

      Wait…..wouldn’t that make you non-republicans? I bet you all end up just lying to the public and raise money, if you raise any, pulling the wool over their eyes. Complete BS.

      1. Sadly, I fear that they aren’t an offshoot of the Republican Party. I fear that this is what the Republican Party has become. Every bit as radical and extreme as the progressive left. And like the left, they will continue to disenfranchise the pragmatic and reasonable voters. There will be no middle, only extremes. This is bad. This group is every bit as bad as the progressive crazies and the rhetoric and anger they spew has become indistinguishable from those extreme leftists. Maybe independent is the only way to go now for the moderate minded. Maybe open primaries wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

        1. They use the same tactics and have the same personality traits as the Minneapolis DSAs which even the DFL Speaker of the House described the political environment in Minneapolis as “A Snake Pit”

          They are far more alike than they realize. Crazy cousins?

    4. The tone of this is palpable ..

      “We won. Get on board with the new SDGOP or register as Democrat and follow the donations of the corporate class that is panicking at eroding lines of social control.”

      1. You believe the federal government is out to hurt you and your relationship with your family. You are insane and you words carry little, if any, weight. Return to your bomb shelter and do another stupid podcast on 5g dangers, you weirdo.

        1. After confiring with leading scientists, publishers, and after reviewing the latest research, here is my latest paper regarding dangers of RF energy (it’s off topic, but in defense of myself I leave you to decide on the issue for yourself): https://plainstribune.com/rf/

          Regarding your statements about my belief regarding the federal government. These are defaming and represent a ridiculous conspiracy theory about my true beliefs toward the federal government.

          Is it worth pointing out that this is another Democrat modeled “weird” attack?

          That is all.

      2. When are you going to have Toby on the podcast? Have him join the show and be a co-host, You two have much in common.

  3. So far, these comments are missing the point Pat is making. The renegade “we’re more conservative than you” group are intent on burning everything down. Fortunately, the Democrats are so loosely organized that there is scant chance they will make much progress to elect more legislators or any other office for that matter. Yet, if this vitriol continues, Dems will grow their finances even more and maybe, just maybe, take a peek at the old Republican playbook and start to build a cadre of candidates that are palatable to the voting public.

    1. The offer was made to dissenting opinions to speak, and there were some who did. Overall, it was a good meeting – good speakers, good information, and yes, the opportunity for opposition. It was not snarky, not complaining, just information.

      1. Kind of hard to complain if Sanderson and Venhuizen were invited to share their opinions. They are not exactly in the Jon Hansen wing of the House.

        Good on whomever invited them to present.

      2. Looking at the list of those signing the invite, were there any brave souls that stood up and spoke against these issues?

  4. It’s important to elect Republicans,but it is also important to bring attention to these ballot measures. I happen to agree with the stances they took, as I believe most conservatives would. I have never thought it’s a good idea to enshrine any proposed changes in the constitution.

  5. The purpose of the Republican Party is to get Republican candidates elected. That’s it. Nothing more. This group is doing everything BUT getting Republicans elected.

    1. This is an intellectually dishonest statement.

      The quality of candidates and the platform are important.

      Under this suggestion, either the candidates lie about their platform, or the platform is sour.

      If the right candidates and the right platforms were lined-up (election integrity being the flagship tenet), there would be no issue.

        1. I was posting from another computer on my network .. is there a way to transfer verified identity to another browser?

          Apologies .. I had no intent to deceive.

      1. Are you seriously suggesting that supporting a referendum to overturn a bill passed by the majority of the legislature (which includes lots of Republicans, in case you hadn’t noticed) somehow HELPS our Republican candidates get elected?

        John, if you believe that we need to strengthen our platform, fine. If you believe we need to recruit Republican candidates who (in your opinion) better support our platform, fine. But we’re past that point for this year. Right now, we’re in the chute. This is not the time to focus on candidate recruitment or on changing the platform. Right now, we have a set slate of candidates. Like it or not, these are our candidates. It’s the job of the Party to support them. The Party needs to be focused on sending out mailers, knocking on doors, helping candidates put out signs, and convincing voters to get out and vote for the Republican candidates whether they’re your favorite candidates or not. THAT’s what the Party is supposed to be doing in August during an election year.

          1. I’m so confused by him. Pro legalize marijuana, but get behind baffoons like Travis Ismay whose sole purpose in life has been to repeal medical marijuana. John Dale, what gives?

            1. Rep. Ismay and colleagues are working on some 2025 bills to focused on recreational marijuana marketed as medical which duped voters. Could easily see Rep. Ismay in a leadership role.

                1. That may be the scariest comment I’ve ever read. Someone actually believes this? Wow. I’m interested to see what proposed bills he comes up with. I know the LRC had a hard time reading his crayon chicken scratches for his proposed ballot measure regarding medical marijuana. He’s still a joke around Pierre, from what I’ve heard.

                  1. Careful now! Underestimating Representative Elect Travis Ismay could be a big mistake. Against the odds he won a seat. He may be one heck of a poker player and if people dismiss him everything is going according to plan! It’s all an act! He’s a sly one Mr. Ismay.

  6. There have been serious repercussions for political viability of county leadership not sending representatives to this meeting in official capacity.

    It was a very bad decision to try to squelch interest and participation.

    Don’t shoot the messenger.

    Just reporting what I witnessed.

    This bravado is misplaced.

      1. I identify myself on every post.

        This is not a true accusation.

        I signed every post with my name and contact information. Always have, always will.

        I believe there is an issue with your software.

  7. Donors don’t want to contribute to the crazy. And when they do, the party uses the money to buy hundreds of Noem’s latest book. How does that make sense?

      1. I read that but seems like someone as Establishment as him wouldn’t give these people the time of day. He must see some legitimacy there.

  8. Talk about “Ready, Fire, Aim”. This screed really hits that target.

    The writer and several commenters ascribe the worst motivations to a group of people who were merely seeking clarity so they could help their friends at home figure out where to be on the ballot initiatives.

    Ask the AG who was there. Check some sources, right?

  9. These “Confederate Republicans” will rapidly change the color of South Dakota from Republican red to deep Democrat blue. They never have workable attainable solutions, only shrill offensive voices that offend and divide. They don’t understand civility or respect as they are much too busy offending. They prefer “bird hunting with a cannon.”

    They love to hide behind the “we the people” mantra but the people to which they refer are only themselves. They declare themselves righteous but in reality are only self-righteous. It’s their way or the highway and they love the term “rino,” and they love that it’s offensive to others. Their tactics are outlined in Rules for Radicals.

    My heart goes out to all the people that have relocated to South Dakota thinking that it would continue to be a bastion of Republicanism and freedom. These “Confederate Republicans” mistrust them and routinely bash them as they are anti-change, anti-progress and anti-growrh.

    My hope is that these “Confederates” will spend more time reading, understanding and practicing the message given in God’s Word, rather than Alinsky’s.

    1. Dang, Ed. I’m agreeing with you twice in one week. Either something is really off with the balance of the world, or the few sane members left in what was the republican party are starting see why we all abandoned Trump long ago. When he loses in November, I fear what he will drive people to do with all of the lies he promotes.

      1. They can join all the other traitors in J6 jail. Trump will go out not with a bang but with a whimper. If the GOP isn’t careful they will quickly follow.

    2. Well said, Ed! They just don’t understand that when they demean other Republicans, they are helping the Democrats. They are DESTROYING the Republican party and handing our way of life over to the Democrats. They agree with everything the Republicans believe in while ignoring that the Democrats, who we all disagree with, will now become the majority and we will be living by their rules. They get pumped about beating out good Republicans in elections and patting themselves on the back while they should be focused on beating the Democrats. If we end up a blue state, it will be because of them. They are a gift to the Democrat party and don’t even know it. Sad.

      1. Doubtful! As one old friend always jokes South Dakotan’s would vote for an Astrochimp if he had an R behind his name before they would vote for a Democrat. Voters have demonstrated that repeatedly. We have had and have some real low quality low IQ elected officials in Pierre. A NASA Astrochimp would do a better job.

  10. NK Braithwait & Katie Hoffman are posting posting all over their 20 plus FB groups making all kinds of crazy allegations claiming Democrats run the state party, making progress purging RINOs and used a new name RinoCrats. Good grief! With all the FB groups it is always the same people on them commenting or posting. Manifestos by Mike, along with the other crazy characters that are so far to the right they can link up with the extreme left sowing chaos.

  11. No advocates of Amendment H were invited to present. We sincerely believe it is the fix the Republicans need to bring them back together as the conservative party representing SD values. But this group apparently had no interest in open discussion.

    1. I was told there was a guy from Watertown who tried to speak on the pipeline issue and was basically shouted down. Is that true?

      1. grudznick as told that is not true. grudznick was also told there were some fellows with baggy pants from the District Numbered 30 there but they never made it to the meeting.

  12. The last person to recognize crazy is the crazy person. How did both sides of the GOP go crazy at the same time? Eat the same mushrooms? Take mRNA shot that went to the brain? Lead poisoning?

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