When ballot measure spokespeople are not very spokesman-like. Vote No, or Chris Larson says you’re a RINO and “indistinguishable from the heathen!”

As the populist rebel faction of the SDGOP held their faux gathering this weekend, they called in people to give presentations which agreed with their positions on several of the ballot measures.  No, no opponents of theirs were invited. They just had the people they agreed with.

A few were entirely reasonable, and advocated for their position no differently than they would to any group or in any interview. Nathan Sanderson with SD Retailers has been going around the circuit and speaking advocating against Initiated Measure 28. State Rep. Tony Venhuizen has regularly been advocating for Amendment F, and he was the prime sponsor in the House of Representatives for the measure.  They go and speak anytime and any place on their issues, and leave it for the listener to agree or disagree, as would be expected.

I did catch that the GOP faction also included speakers who are a lot more skittish and selective about who they speak to.  I’m referring to the populists letting “the mattress guy,” Chis Larson speak to the group about his coalition to vote no on several measures.   Which is interesting, as I’d heard through the grapevine that if he gets spooked he’s quick to bail out of speaking about his vote no effort. Which doesn’t sound like much of a spokesperson at all.

Now, if you read Larson’s website, you’d understand why he’s not interested in being in an environment when people might ask him questions. Questions about.. things:

Our state-sponsored “experts”, promoted by the legacy media, are bought and paid for. By who isn’t always clear. Nothing is clear anymore. There never seems to be a reckoning. We’re never going to find out where covid really came from, and who is responsible. We’re never going to get the truth about the covid vaccines that aren’t actually vaccines. Bad actors won’t be brought to justice. No one ever takes responsibility. It’s always on to the next manufactured crisis that our government heroes can rescue us from.

  • RINOs are connected. Nearly every LibPublican in SD has benefactors at higher levels, a history of working for some high-level politician, and a direct line to the Donor Class. Examples: Summit, Sandford, Premier Bank. This is their armor. Money equals power, and power is everything to them.
  • RINOs claim to be Christians. Now I certainly can’t judge people’s faith journey, or read their minds, but with RINOs it’s pretty clear that no matter what church they attend, their actions, words and attitudes out here in the world are nearly indistinguishable from the heathen. 

 So we know the path to victory. Tell your friends, support Patriots & remember to Vote NO in NOvember!

You can read the crazy here.   I had previously also referred to his goofiness complaining about “normies” here.

Sooo…  Republicans are supposed to follow the direction of someone with delusions of grandeur and vote No. Or else we’re just RINO puppets of Summit and Sanford. And I love the part, where he can’t read people’s minds, but RINO’s are all a bunch of RINO heathens who can’t be classified as Christians?

That’s kind of hilarious.  As spokesman for a ballot measure group, I have to say that I don’t find that very spokesman-like. (Would we call that bad spokesmanship?)

You know, if you don’t really like the people you want to vote your way on measures, it might be challenging to make a convincing case.

20 thoughts on “When ballot measure spokespeople are not very spokesman-like. Vote No, or Chris Larson says you’re a RINO and “indistinguishable from the heathen!””

  1. If there’s a crazy Pillow-Man out there, it only makes sense that there would also be a nutter Matress-Man. Holding my breath for there to be a conspiracy driven purveyor of futons.

  2. WTH was that? Another self-rightous Christian looking down his nose at someone who mught have a different opinion. Very Christian of Mr. larson. Any chance of posting all of his business ventures. It seems he has no need of my RINO money.

    1. Toby Doeden has done the same up in Aberdeen which he told one Aberdeen woman not to set foot on any of his properties, She enthusiastically accepted the deal. We need Larson and Doeden to list all the businesses and properties so we can avoid them and make everyone happier.

        1. The exchange was public on social media. Scotty’s before Doeden ran it into the ground with his toxic and nutty Narcissistic antics?

  3. I will vote yes on everything because I want to see how much the legislature and corrupt courts will overturn the will of the people again. This never-ending growth of government is SOCIALISM.

    1. actually it would be better if the legislature just ignored all the measures that pass, and when the public finds out what they have done to themselves with these crap measures, maybe we can amend the state constitution to abish initiated measures entirely

      1. Ah yes a perfect example of, “Under God the People Rule”.

        Texas was rated last in personal freedom by the Cato Institute. You seem like you’d fit in there more than here.

      2. Maybe it would be even better if the new prison was turned into a giant wall around the state. Then, we select a few elite people (obviously all from the SD GOP) who can be our “guards.” They can run our lives exactly as they want, and we work for them as prisoners. They can take all the money and “create jobs” from that. This is the way to total South Dakota freedom under God!

  4. Mixing religion and politics produces a toxic hash and terrible legislation. Walz nailed it when he said our traditional reply to this religious social meddling and neighbor bashing is “Mind your own damned business.”

  5. I’m not getting how all the personal invective is moving us forward. Let’s marshal our forces to overwhelm the real adversary here in SD and nationally – Marxism.

    1. Marxists aren’t the ones driving out Obgyns, failing to respond to the childcare crisis, threatening our Ethanol production, turning down funding for feeding schoolchildren, and engaging in activity that threatens the ability of disabled citizens from voting (which is a bad thing because counties will get their pants sued off thanks to the ADA)

      The far-right are. It seems that the far-right is more of a menace than any of the imagined boogiemen they rant about are.

    2. Rob it sounds like you don’t even know what Marxism is. Please go to a local college or university and take some government classes.

      Watched the latest property rights video opposing the carbon pipeline and a legislator called what was happening Communism. No it is not Communism. Please learn the different forms of government and call it for what it is which adds credibility to the speaker and the cause.

      Marxism and Communism are the latest scare words and are thrown out so casually without anyone knowing what they really mean. Some of us grew up during the Cold War, knew what it was being completely failed systems.

  6. Losers like Larson and Doeden are the reason many people won’t vote for Republicans in the next election. Those idiots drive people away from the party. Expect to see some Democrat victories in purple and pink districts. Maybe that’s the best thing that could happen to the legislature.

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