Breaking: President Trump endorses Congressman Dusty Johnson for re-election in SD GOP Primary!

Hot off twitter, Congressman Dusty Johnson has the “complete and total endorsement” of President Donald Trump!

13 thoughts on “Breaking: President Trump endorses Congressman Dusty Johnson for re-election in SD GOP Primary!”

  1. This is a big “get” for Dusty. This should set the Liz May/Neal Tapio faction back on their heels a bit.

  2. Wait a minute – lets actually look at what the President’s tweet said.

    Dusty is strong on the Border? He voted, with Speaker Pelosi and the House Democrats, to curtail the President’s power to use legitimate means to transfer money from the Department of Defense construction accounts to expedite the construction of the wall at the Southern Border.

    Sounds like one of the President’s staffer’s didn’t do their due diligence… and didn’t actually look at Dusty’s record.

    1. How insulting your comment is to the President. You must be a Rino or democrat.

      President Trump knows what he was doing.

      1. The President does not always knows what he is doing. He just endorsed a guy who carries water for the Deep State, who are arch enemies of the President.

      2. Troy – find a paper bag, take a couple of deep breathes, and then a seat. I’ve been a Republican a lot longer than our current President has been one. And I would venture to guess that he’s never looked at DWC – no offense PP.

        Also, why is it when people state a fact, we all must be RINOs, Democrats, or apart of the Deep State?

        Also – I would venture to say that his staff probably wrote the tweet. Which is far more likely given how many endorsements went out on the days they were tweeted.

        And honestly, I don’t care what you find insulting, when it’s the truth. Fact check Dusty’s own voting record. Fact check the Presiddent’s statements.

        This is why your comments are typically laughable at best –

      1. Yes, he has also voted to curtail the President’s power to shift funding from DoD to the Army Corps of Engineers.

        Then introduced a bill that’s going nowhere in the House or even Senate really, to try to appease the far right base in the State. Are people really this naive to not look past what’s put in front of their face?

  3. Trump is also a fundraising machine; this will help Dusty add to his war chest and position him well to someday be our next US Senator

    1. Hol’ up… It’s Tuesday, right? Aren’t we supposed to be against career politicians on Tuesdays? What about Fridays? Ugh. It’s tough keeping up with what days we’re supposed to drain the swamp and what days we’re supposed to fill it.

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