Dem Chair Tornberg talks tough, and boasts of filling all offices. But can she deliver?

From Tom Lawrence at Prairie Perspective, the latest captain of the Titanic… Er…. Democrat State Party Chair, former Union Boss Ann Tornberg, is claiming that not only will they dig up a sacrificial lamb to run against South Dakota’s Senior Senator John Thune, she’s boasting they’ll be running candidates for nearly every legislative seat:

2016 will be another challenging year for the party. Sen. John Thune has millions of dollars and a sky-high approval rating. After a narrow win over Tom Daschle in 2004, no Democrat was brave enough to challenge him in 2010.

That won’t happen this time, Tornberg said.

“Yes, we will have a candidate,” she said, but she’s not ready to release a name.


Tornberg said the Democrats will run someone for the PUC, and she said they will also field candidates in just about all of the 105 legislative race. The party needs to be built up, and she is willing to do the hard work, she said.

Read it all here.

That’s an awfully high bar to set for a party which didn’t run opponents for 1/3 of all seats in the State Senate in 2014, and had placeholders for 17 or so of the races they did contest.

It also sets a fairly low bar for Tornberg to be considered an utter failure in her job if she fails to deliver on her boastful claims.

She’s the one claiming she has an unannounced opponent for the popular Senator Thune in her pocket, waiting to run. Despite the fact that anyone credible would be out raising money months ago. And she’s claiming she can fill nearly every seat, a feat that has been difficult for experienced Democrat operatives even in the most favorable of years.

Tornberg will either turn out to be a hero for Democrats in her efforts, or a complete goat. She’s not leaving any room for any middle ground in her statements.

One thought on “Dem Chair Tornberg talks tough, and boasts of filling all offices. But can she deliver?”

  1. There isn’t a better political position in a political party than Chair of the SDDP. There is literally no where to go but up. There aren’t any office holders (or their staff) to take orders from. The chairs only job is to find a way to win.

    Unfortunately the Democrats made a really poor selection when Tornberg got the job. She is among the worst that has ever had the job.

    It’s a gem of a position and like many people in this state wish I could have the job.

    Tornberg is not going to do so well. Many other people could do much better.

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