Don’t pet the fluffy cows. And the prairie dogs? They’re currently experiencing an outbreak of the black death.

KELOland has a story on their website today for Custer State Park tourists which most everyone in South Dakota knows – Don’t pet the fluffy cows. Because they will mess you up:

“Here at the park, it’s been decades since we’ve had any fatalities with the bison but we still have injuries,” Austin said. “So that’s why we encourage folks to give them the distance, to keep your trip safe. You don’t want to ruin it with a trip to the hospital so enjoy from the safety of your car and enjoy Custer State Park.”

Read that here.

it’s been decades since we’ve had any fatalities with the bison” should be people’s first hint.

There are also places out in the Black Hills with less intimidating wildlife. But, you probably don’t want to mess with them either, since right now they are experiencing an outbreak of sylvatic fever, a.k.a. the plague, the Black Death, etc:

South Dakota is currently experiencing an outbreak of the plague, a disease infamous throughout history for its high mortality rate, rapid transmission, and ability to incite widespread fear and dread.

Government agencies have verified that a plague outbreak is responsible for the mass deaths of prairie dogs in Badlands National Park, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, and the surrounding Conata-Badlands ecosystem area.


However, this disease can also infect humans, pets, and other wildlife species.

Read that here. And more on it here (as wildlife experts are mainly concerned about the Black Footed Ferrets who eat prairie dogs)

Great to have people come and visit our great state. But some of the wildlife isn’t as cuddly as people think.

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