Gov. Kristi Noem Discusses Foreign Policy Strategy with Secretary Condoleezza Rice

Gov. Kristi Noem Discusses Foreign Policy Strategy with Secretary Condoleezza Rice

PIERRE, SOUTH DAKOTA – Earlier this week, the Hoover Institution hosted Governor Kristi Noem for a discussion with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The discussion focused on foreign policy strategy, as well as South Dakota’s pro-freedom policies. A few key quotes can be found below.

“When I served in Congress, I served on the Armed Services Committee and got heavily engaged in relations with countries who are our friends and allies – and many who are not… It was driven home over and over again the value of strength, the value of clarity of thought and communication… and that every other country is constantly paying attention to how our leaders here talk… That credibility has been greatly damaged,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “We are in a tenuous state in this country right now because we don’t have that consistency of messaging.”

In response to a question from Secretary Rice on the “South Dakota formula,” Governor Noem said the following:

“When I ran for Governor, I ran believing… that South Dakota could be an example to the nation… I had no idea that our opportunity to do that would happen in a pandemic… I will tell you that South Dakota is thriving… We have a AAA credit rating. We have the best pension fund in the nation. I have less than 700 people in the entire state of South Dakota that are on unemployment right now. Our incomes are going up faster than anywhere else in the country… Our children are leading the nation in educational outcomes because they were in their classrooms every day learning… We were the only state in the country that didn’t close a single business, didn’t mandate anything… We are growing at ten times the national average because families just decided that they wanted to come live somewhere where the government respected them.”


18 thoughts on “Gov. Kristi Noem Discusses Foreign Policy Strategy with Secretary Condoleezza Rice”

  1. Again, she does not credit 50 House Representatives with KEEPING OUR STATE OPEN during the planned-demic. This despite her getting Representative Lee Qualm to introduce HB 1297 to give unconstitutional ‘closure authority’ to the HSS Secretary. Even Rep. Qualm had no qualms about voting “NAY” on the bill he presented on her behalf. Until she publicly acknowledges that group of 50 legislators who kept the state open, I will bring this up every time!
    Now with regards to policy, I’m hoping that the issue of Chinese spy, er, businesses possibly buying up land around Ellsworth AFB came up. Hopefully there are people running Box Elder who have common sense and won’t approve Chinese corporations to set up around Ellsworth which would put them in a position to take our our B-21s when they might need to.
    The idiots running the council and city of Grand Forks, ND made such decisions and their officials AND the idiot CO of that air base don’t seem concerned about the Chinese’ abilities to ‘take over’ our drones up there. That IS a National Security issue and it must be dealt with. South Dakota could follow Texas’ lead where they enacted a law prohibiting ‘hostile nations’ from taking over their electric grid. We must mandate our lawmakers and governor to demand such protections for our base and let the Chinese sue us or whatever.
    Marty Jackley’s already won a huge case in the Supreme Court so dealing with whatever China may want to do will be a challenge for him and some of the first people he should hire are vetted Chinese linguists (I am not one) and don’t ask Eric Swallwell or Diane Feinstein for recommendations!

  2. Kristi writes: “When I ran for Governor, I ran believing… that South Dakota could be an example to the nation… I had no idea that our opportunity to do that would happen in a pandemic…”

    The date was July 17, 2020 and on FoxNews, Kristi bragged “We did, in fact, we according to the national experts, did everything wrong.”

    Well, it seems that fighting medical science is costly. I just checked and these are the facts. There are six states that surround South Dakota and all of them still have lower death rates from Covid. ALL of them.

    Incredibly, our death rate is 50% higher than Nebraska and Minnesota. If we had their lower death rate, we’d have saved 1,000 lives.

    An example to the nation? Yes, yes it is.

      1. You don’t seem to mind her bragging about her Covid policies day after day. It’s just the reality check that disturbs you.

        1. No it’s the insistence of an idiot (you) who thinks they are all knowing and all seeing.

          1. Hmm. Are you inferring that my comment is untrue? Please elaborate. Can’t wait to hear your truth.

  3. I would enjoy listening to this conversation and learning about the topics covered, cross checking information, and vetting information and logic and policy underpinnings.

    1. For a document touting Dr Rice, she was conspicuously absent. More event content would be welcome.

  4. This conversation somehow offers up less insight than one of John Dale and Monae Johnson discussing election integrity.

  5. If you are going to evaluate your own performance as governor in regards to a pandemic, you’d think that the number of deaths would enter into the equation… wouldn’t you?

  6. I appreciate the fact that the Governor is having such discussions. One is only as smart as the people they surround themselves with. As testified by recent news of longest standing staffer finally throwing in the towel in VP office.

      1. When has Noem ever done her job as Governor? This is just another political stunt by her to continue campaigning for president where she is polling at Zero percent.

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