Growing number of Democrats believe Woke candidates are bad for the Democrat Party

Interesting story on FOX News, where it sounds as if Democrat strategists and poll watchers are convinced more and more that people are fatigued with woke culture, and it may become a great hammer for Republicans to use against Democrats:

“Wokeness is kryptonite for Democrats,” Haidt wrote. “Most people hate it, other than the progressive activists. If you just look at Americans’ policy preferences, Dems should be winning big majorities. But we have strong negative partisanship, and when people are faced with a party that seems to want to defund the police and rename schools, rather than open them, all while crime is rising and kids’ welfare is falling, the left flank of the party is just so easy for Republicans to run against.”

That belief is shared by Democratic strategist James Carville, who made perhaps an even bolder statement on how cancel culture will impact the party last month.

“Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it,” he said. “It’s hard to talk to anybody today — and I talk to lots of people in the Democratic Party — who doesn’t say this. But they don’t want to say it out loud.”

Read the entire story here.

We get plently of wokism in South Dakota, with our elected democrats with examples such as Sioux Falls City Councilor Patrick Starr deriding Mt. Rushmore as “vandalism,”  and State Representative Erin Healy dismissing the country’s founders  on the monument as merely “slave holders.”

If we’re to take anything away from the story, it’s looking more and more like wokeness could cause Democrats an electoral headache in the next election as voters rebel against the self-righteous.

7 thoughts on “Growing number of Democrats believe Woke candidates are bad for the Democrat Party”

  1. I registered Independent with Trump’s ascent to power. I couldn’t deal with his complete lack of integrity and the cult of personality surrounding him. At the same time, I couldn’t go to a party that relishes the opportunity to cannibalize its own members for any perceived slight and builds its coalitions around the wrongs of my great grandparents and what I need to do to pay for them. US politics is, at the moment, a complete dumpster fire of true believers.

  2. So Democrats only believe “wokeness” is bad for the party? They don’t understand that it is evil and bad for the country? Until they understand that it is actually a bad thing and not just something that may hinder them in winning elections they have not truly understood it.

    I will take President Trump’s perceived lack of integrity over Biden’s corruption and anti-American actions any day of the week. President Trump at least did things that were beneficial for Americans unlike corrupt Joey.

    1. Not going to get into a debate about Trump, given this article squarely addresses a very real problem within democrat political circles, but “perceived” is a pretty naked deflection on your part.

        1. I mean, the article was about the problem of wokeness in the democratic party, not Biden in particular. I brought up Trump as an example of while having a problem with the current iteration of the GOP, the wokeness is so distasteful that it still keeps me away from the democratic party. I didn’t do it to deflect responsibility from Dems, but rather to emphasize how bad the problem is. Do you see how my point was not deflection and yours is? Just stop already.

        2. I may not agree with Biden, but it is kind of a low blow to attack his mumbling and stumbling. He is doing well for his age, and attacking his stutter or limited abilities due to age isn’t something we should support. Attack his policies all you want, but this trend of trying to sell the idea that people are sick, or disabled is just wrong.

  3. Any doubts that all of liberals from biden on down will destroy this country or get us into a war we will certainly lose .Mike Verchio no

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