Kristi Noem to receive award in courage in government for her leadership during COVID

The Center of the American Experiment hosts an Annual Dinner celebrating conservative victories, and this year their honoree isn’t a Minnesotan (where they are based), but South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

The group will be honoring Governor Noem on Saturday, September 19 at 7:00 pm. The event will also feature Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

You can reserve your virtual seat by clicking here.

3 thoughts on “Kristi Noem to receive award in courage in government for her leadership during COVID”

  1. Man will this put frost on Cory H’s short hairs. The rant will be on at dakota free press. Hahahaha. Hahahaha

  2. Woah! It’s good to be lauded, but this gaggle of St. Cloud ‘conservative think tankers’ should be a hard ‘pass’. They are published haters of Sudanese immigration to the midwest. They are on the record for ‘hating’ homosexuals, defunding public education, and removal of safety nets like unemployment and public transport like the light rail. I am no Minnesota liberal, but this is an honor to pass upon.

  3. Courage? Well, I guess it does take guts to kill grandparents just so young people can go to bars, huh? #IThoughtTheyWereProLife?

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