More Thune VP talk. Hard to dispel when your opponent is so awful.

According to a Rapid City Journal article, US Senator John Thune is having difficulty quelling questions of a VP run….  because his opponent is just so darned awful in the face of Thune’s own overwhelming popularity.

thunehead2On Wednesday, according to several media accounts, Thune told reporters in Washington, D.C., that he hopes House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republican leaders who’ve been cold to Trump will unite behind him for the sake of party unity.

In the interview with Cavuto and in other settings, Thune has attempted to deflect running-mate questions by saying he’s busy running for re-election to the Senate. “Busy” might be an overstatement, given that he has an approval rating of 65 percent according to one recent poll, has done very little public campaigning, and has a nearly $12 million edge in campaign cash over his Democratic opponent, Jay Williams.

Read it all here.

With an approval rating of 65%, there’s little wonder others are looking to try to capitalize on Senator Thune’s high rankings and take advantage of them on the national stage. (Hint – I’ve known John for a long time. He actually is that nice of a guy.)

And with a nearly $12 Million edge on his opponent Jay Williams, who was the man of last resort to not williamsleave a second race unchallenged, obviously they also look at Thune as being able to maintain his seat in the US Senate.

That’s the problem Thune faces. it’s hard to dispel that kind of talk when your opponent is so flat out awful.

20 thoughts on “More Thune VP talk. Hard to dispel when your opponent is so awful.”

  1. I believe Senator Thune would be a good choice for The Donald. He is looking for someone with political experience. Thune has that and also has a clean record. He also has a fairly conservative record.

    1. Try reading the whole story. He can run for both VP and Senate at the same time.

        1. So your question isn’t “who would take his place against Jay Williams”, it’s “who would take his place in the Senate, should he win”.

          1. Daugaard should appoint himself. Then Mickelson would assume command of the state.

  2. If he runs and wins both elections (US Senate and VP), Thune would likely take office as Senator in the first week of January, 2017 and resign as Senator before the Presidential inauguration later in the month. The Governor would then appoint someone as Thune’s Senate successor. That person would serve until the state’s next regularly scheduled statewide general election, where the person then elected (whether the appointee or someone else) would be eligible to fill the remainder of the unexpired term (in this case, until 2023 following the 2022 election).

    1. I believe he would resign before taking the oath. If I understand things correctly, then the person selected to take his place would take his position. Then that person would have slightly more seniority than other Senators who come in.

      1. Does the appointment work the same way whether he’s taken the oath or not? If so, I think you’re right. He could resign the day after the election to give the appointee a couple months head start on seniority. That’s inside baseball but that little bit does actually matter in the Senate because seniority dictates so much.

  3. Trump would greatly benefit from having Senator Thune’s years of innovative & legislative leadership experience on the ticket.

  4. I don’t see ANY talk of this outside South Dakota. There’s nothing credible to this story.

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