Neal Tapio speech at Brookings County GOP Picnic (8/16/19), announces exploration of Congressional race.

Again, while at the local GOP picnic last night, I grabbed some video to share a couple of the speeches the group heard from the declared/potential challenger candidates that are making the rounds at GOP events. The newest possible candidate, Neal Tapio, announced that he’s going to form an exploratory committee for possible entrance into the Republican Congressional race and rematch against current Republican Congressman Dusty Johnson.

6 thoughts on “Neal Tapio speech at Brookings County GOP Picnic (8/16/19), announces exploration of Congressional race.”

  1. Last thought. Tapio was not good at speaking in this video. If Dusty is going to be challenged then it needs to be by someone articulate and passionate. It also needs to be someone charismatic who is good at public speaking and motivating a crowd.

    There was a lot of himming and hawing in his talk.

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