PUC candidate Amber Christianson had filed formal PUC complaint, then was no show for hearing

Here’s more about the woman who has thrown her name into the race for Public Utilities Commissioner against Kristie Fiegen. Because she sounds like a kook:

Amber Christenson of rural Strandburg and Linda and Timothy Lindgren of rural South Shore had filed a formal complaint on September 21, 2022, that Crowned Ridge Wind’s turbines in the area were making more noise than allowed by the PUC’s permit that was granted for the project in 2019 and alleging that Crowned Ridge failed to comply with a 2021 mitigation plan.


Fiegen agreed with the contention by Crowned Ridge’s attorneys that the technical expertise involved in this case is beyond the knowledge of the average lay person. “As a commissioner, I’m upholding the law regarding the rules of evidence,” Fiegen said. “So Crowned Ridge, be prepared tomorrow (Wednesday) for the tough questions Amber has asked in her rebuttal, although they won’t be on the record in the evidence.”


Said Nelson, “It’s unfortunate, certainly.” He noted that the commission had been working for four years on the sound-level issue. “Today was the day appointed to get to the bottom of this.”

Hanson described the situation as like “showing up at the wedding and the brides not there — it’s a little difficult” and said he was surprised. “I’m just amazed she is not here. I hope nothing bad happened on the drive here,” he said. “It leaves us with no other direction than to support the motion.”


Christenson said the commission can still delve into the issue that she raised. “They don’t need me.” As to not showing up, she said, “I guess it was my civil disobedience.”

Read it all here.

So, this gal files and gets a hearing on a formal complaint where experts were drug from across the country, AND she sucks up taxpayer time and money on the hearing. But she skips attending as her “civil disobedience.”

And now she wants to be a PUC commissioner?  Hard pass on a goofball candidate.

And if the State GOP Convention disagrees? Well, it was nice being a party that used to know how to win elections.

6 thoughts on “PUC candidate Amber Christianson had filed formal PUC complaint, then was no show for hearing”

  1. Well, that almost hurts my feelings, young man. However, I know the whole story. There is no one who has worked harder for property rights and people affected by wind farms than me. I spent years in front of the PUC, that stunt by the PUC was the icing on the cake. I made my point that day. People and property rights, all day long, that’s who I am. God bless.

    1. Over the years I have tried to figure out what noises are generated by wind farms. I have driven pretty close to windmills, stopped and rolled down the windows, and other than the sound made by the wind itself I don’t hear it, and I have had audiology tests and my hearing is good. What is the frequency and decibel level of all this noise people complain of?

      1. From my experience, they aren’t noisy every day, all day. It also depends on wind direction.

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