Release: DNC Investing $70,000 in South Dakota Democratic Party

Editor’s note – This should raise a flag for those who profess to be Republican. – pp

DNC Investing $70,000 in South Dakota Democratic Party

June 11th, 2024

The Democratic National Committee recently announced nearly $2 million in new grants to 11 non-battleground state parties, including $70,000 for the South Dakota Democratic Party. This first of its kind investment will support voter registration efforts and down ballot candidates. A significant portion of this funding will support voter registration, engagement and rides to the polls on South Dakota’s Native reservations.

“This investment in the Tribal Nations across South Dakota will mean Native American voices are heard when it comes to the future of this state and the reservations,” said SDDP Chair Shane Merrill. “In a year where relations between the state government and tribal governments are declining, it’s extremely important to make sure tribal members can cast their ballot and vote for people who will best represent their interests.”

You can read the full news release from the DNC HERE.

For questions, you can contact the SDDP Executive Director Dan Ahlers at [email protected] or contact the state party office by phone at 605-271-5405 or 605-940-3071.

15 thoughts on “Release: DNC Investing $70,000 in South Dakota Democratic Party”

  1. the wackadoodles defeated a lot of the good candidates in the primary, and the Democrats see it as an opening.

  2. If the Dem is # 1 sane, # 2 focused on actual governing with reasonable policy positions and not into crazy conspiracies and election denial why not?

    1. exactly. The sanerest Republicans will vote for a moderate Democrat before they will vote for an anti-vaccine & anti-pipeline, deadbeat dad.

      1. You would think the more sane republicans would vote for someone who isn’t anti-vaccine, anti-public schools, and who isn’t a cult member. But you never know…they didn’t show up to vote.

        Personal convictions are not politics. Personal convictions, if they become the subject of a group conviction, they become a cult.

        One of the political parties has to do some clean up here. Or we are all screwed.

          1. vouchers are anti-public schools. you MAGA are getting on school boards and wrecking schools inside out anyway. i guess vouchers are the next step.

            1. At least the magas will be left with nothing. They won’t be able to afford the schools worth attending. They will set their families on the path of generational financial doom.

    1. Of course they will lose. This investment is not about 2024. It’s about 2026, 2028, and beyond. Looks like they are finally getting around to rebuilding the party apparatus that the Obama team gutted.

      1. Exactly. Republicans don’t seem worried about the SDDP Chair. They should. The DNC didn’t decide to throw $70k to South Dakota. The SDDP Chair went and got it. That’s the kind of leader who can make a difference.

  3. With the Abortion Amendment polling with over 20% for it than against it, a bunch of far right wackadoddles making some seats more competitive, and it being a presidential election cycle must have the Dems smelling a little blood in the water. Can’t blame them, if they dont pick up a few seats it would be surprising.

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