South Dakota Dems still hiding 2018 platform & Resolutions

If you go looking for State Democrat platforms and resolutions from the 2018 convention, which allegedly took place nearly a month ago now, you’d be hard pressed to find evidence that a convention took place, looking at Democrat’s state party website.

On the website, it appears they have not held a mass gathering of that nature since 2016. We know they actually had an event; it was in the news where they talked a Republican into running as their number two democrat on the ticket at the time.

But the states’ media still awaits the Democrat party’s release of their official platform moving forward through 2018, as well as those things Democrats meeting as a whole have resolved to do.

Apparently it was acceptable to release those things two years ago according to the Democrat website. But now in these times where open government has been demanded and expected, Democrats have shirked their duties, and have yet to release the issues they have determined to be important moving forward.

The question now is what portions of the platform are Dems desperately trying to keep under lock and key, and out of the site of every day votes? Are they promoting radical departure from the will of the state on issues such as abortion? Is there a plan to call for the full legalization of drugs, and mandate gender neutral studies in kindergarten?

I could go on, but I suspect the truth is far more sinister than reality.

Because, why else would they try to hide it for so long?

20 thoughts on “South Dakota Dems still hiding 2018 platform & Resolutions”

  1. After years of not telling their fringe they are crazy and Ill-informed, crazy has become the voice.

    This creates a dilemma- tell your now dominant base “we were kidding. You are nuts” or allowing the general public to see this is crazy stuff.

    Wouldn’t want to be them.

  2. Abolish ICE and open borders, isn’t that their current agenda? There’s probably some internal disputes about how their platform will embrace and encourage lawlessness.

  3. The 2016 resolutions and priorities were bad enough with the SDDP losing donors, volunteers and future candidates from those seeking political balance in the state. Just look at party registration numbers and the trend.

  4. I’m disappointed in all candidates across the board and their lack of open government policies.

    1. Complaints about transparency in government are most often expressed by individuals too lazy to get off the couch and attend a hearing, meeting, session or any other event which is open to the public.

      1. The SDDP isn’t the government, it’s a group trying to get votes, and it’s their job to get people to vote for their side; I’m glad they stink at the job.

  5. That is ok…all their candidates are running away from being Democrats already

  6. I heard Stace was at their convention working the crowd and trying to secure himself a spot.

    1. C’mon man.

      There is enough ammunition out there without making up lies, trying to be cute.

      1. What about

        “heard stace was hiding in the bathroom at the democratic convention, hoping for a better outcome after his gigantic defeat at the Republican convection”

  7. But I thought all the SDDP was sooooooo moderate, and soooooo like the conservatives that a vote for Sutton or Bjorkman isn’t really a vote for leftwing policies. I guess we’ll see. . . eventually.

  8. every dem candidate is just a nice looking little glove or mitten which covers the same cold steely hand of the national party. just look at how chagrined the national leadership is that the sd party won’t play the blue dog game to actually win elections, they want to be overt progressive like everyone else gets to be.

  9. I’m sure glad Sen Stace Nelson was right on top of this exposing the left for what it is.

    1. Yeah when he looks in the mirror

      Whines and claims to be a co derivative when he accomplishes nothing and only attacks Republicans as he stands with Democrats

    2. With as much as Stace Nelson likes to accuse everyone of being a plant, the more and more it looks like Stace Nelson is a plant for the Democrats. It makes so much logical stance, is there anyway we can throw him out of the party?

  10. Those Democrats are always hiding their real agenda but like Pavlov’s dog it is always fun to make their chemically impaired heads spin throwing distractions at them over at Cory’s blog with whatever name I use.

  11. Did Mr. Nelson give a speech at this Democratic Convention that they are hiding? I don’t understand all the “Stacey” comments. But I do understand the Democrats hiding their agenda and platform planks. Those planks are so libbie they will hurt Mr. Sutton’s claim of being a moderate.

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