We found Rick Weible. He’s not campaigning. He’s been busy calling the FBI and demanding an investigation!

Following up to my post of a May 6 about not seeing any evidence of Rick Weible campaigning for District 8 State Senate, I did come across evidence of what the Minnesota transplant and election goofball is up to instead.

Yep. Not campaigning. He’s hanging out in his basement in Elkton, rappin’ with the pillow guy about crazy stuff.   Starting at about 20 minutes in..  You can hear his latest, how Rick is sending things over to the FBI to demand they investigate election machines because he says they’re breaking federal law…

Yeah..  Many years ago my dearly departed father was a FBI agent out of Pierre who came up during the J. Edgar Hoover years. (I’ve posted my letter before from J. Edgar congratulating him on my birth.)

He’d get calls from time to time in the 70’s and 80’s about weird stuff like “truckers are trying to extort my husband” and things like that.  I recall him relating someone in Pierre calling him at home and declaring that “there are communists in state government” and he needed to investigate.  I won’t say who said that, because she’s passed, was otherwise a nice lady, and it was probably awkward for him to see her in church.

I’m guessing for the agents, the Rick conspiracies have about as much priority as “the communists” call did for my dad in the face of AIM, death, murder, rape, kidnapping, and the plethora of crimes that the FBI investigates in South Dakota, since anything that happens on the reservation is federal.

I would put the Weible election conspiracies right up there on the list of things they’ll look at when they have time.

This is all a good example why we don’t want to elect goofballs with an election fetish.

11 thoughts on “We found Rick Weible. He’s not campaigning. He’s been busy calling the FBI and demanding an investigation!”

  1. Surprising he’s reaching out to them now that his life is in danger for exposing all that stuff at the Brookings Co. commission meeting.

    1. I hope the legislature can get that dang Secretary of State race out of the convention in the 2025 session or help us all. We’ll have savior Leah, crazy Rick or Jessica Poledancer in charge of our elections. Then I’d just pray the dems find literally anyone with a pulse.

  2. Their goal is a simple, transparent, paper ballot, hand counted, election so you do not need to worry who is in control.
    your precinct election workers (your neighbors) are the counters.

      1. I can tell you have never attended a hand counting session. You do realize that there is one Republican and one Democrat reading off the votes and one Republican and one Democrat tabulating and if there is a discrepancy at the end. They have to recount. The voters can also be present to watch the procedure. It is also cost effective and quick if all ballots are counted in the precinct, then follow a chain of possession to the auditor’s office.

        1. You are an absolute liar. Hand counts are less accurate. Multiple studies have proven this. Please, please stop lying.

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