Someone’s dumpster is on fire. Dumpsterfire Doeden text group’s blasts don’t exactly ring true.

Liar, liar, Toby Doeden’s dumpster is on fire. 

Coming off of the heels of the Toby Doeden PAC endorsements yesterday, his Political Action Committee blasted out text messages of endorsement to several candidates that didn’t exactly ring true, including this one about the things that Tom Pischke fights for in Pierre which is peppered with an unbelievable amount of complete fabrications:

“Dark money special interest groups backed by liberal Democrats from outside of South Dakota are attempting to take out one of the greatest and most conservative members of our South Dakota State Senate, Thomas Pischke!

We need every single Conservative Republican in South Dakota to join the fight to defend Tom and protect our beautiful state from those who are trying to destroy it.

Who wrote this utterly unbelievable nonsense?  “Dark money special interest groups backed by liberal Democrats from outside of South Dakota are attempting to take out one of the greatest and most conservative members of our South Dakota State Senate.”  Do they mean greatest as in his ability to get kicked out of caucus, or kicked out of the House of Representatives? Or greatest as in his inability to pass legislation?

Even more unbelievable. who exactly are these “Dark money special interest groups backed by liberal Democrats” trying to take him out?   In fact, one of the recipients of the ridiculous text message asked that very question, and called Toby out on what they described as a “straight up lie, very sad.:”

The response after asking for the list of “dark money special interest groups backed by liberal democrats?”

Well, it was crickets. Proving that it’s just meaningless puffery for puffery’s sake.

10 thoughts on “Someone’s dumpster is on fire. Dumpsterfire Doeden text group’s blasts don’t exactly ring true.”

  1. I see Pischke has a large sign posted in front of Arch Beal’s beer warehouse along I-90 in NW Sioux Falls. Looks like a not-too-subtle endorsement to me. WTH?

  2. At least from my perspective I see it this way. Who is the mastermind behind Dakota Dumpsterfire PAC? Someone who would fit in perfectly at some seedy stereotypical used car lot that will say and claim and I mean ANYTHING to make a sale!

    There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute!

  3. Little bird told me Tom never asked to put his sign up at Beals Business …. I have always known Arch to be honest. Someone should ask him.

  4. It is sad that so many Republicans have fallen for the propaganda and outright lies of the Left and begun to use the term dark money to refer to privacy-protected donations. It is good that the government officials have to disclose their actions, but private citizens deserve to be free from the harassment and even physical violence that occurs when their names are on donation disclosure lists. If Republicans stop using the language of the Left, we will win more political and cultural debates.

  5. Who financially supports these turd-herders? I pray that SD voters use some common sense when they head to the polls next month and see and smell this for what it is – a feeble attempt to sell a defective, putrid product with lies and innuendos.

  6. I am really surprised Doeden Dumpsterfire or his politically extreme fanbase and Divers have not recruited Kaleb and Kayla Weis to run on Dumpsterfire Diver Team. Both could be on the bench getting ready for the next election cycle. As it is If elected this part of the state will sink to a new low and stink to high heaven.

    Stay tuned for Doeden 4 Alarm Dumpsterfire.

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