Thune: Biden Court-Packing Commission Lays the Foundation for Democrat Power-Grab

Thune: Biden Court-Packing Commission Lays the Foundation for Democrat Power-Grab
“Democrats want power. They want to be able to impose the policies they want, when they want them.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed his disappointment in President Biden for establishing a court-packing commission to examine the far-left’s proposal to pack the Supreme Court with Democratic judges. Thune expressed that court-packing would undermine a fundamental part of our system of government and discussed that it is solely a power-grab attempt by Democrats.

5 thoughts on “Thune: Biden Court-Packing Commission Lays the Foundation for Democrat Power-Grab”

  1. Democrats seeking to pack the Supreme Court you say? Ahh, well the Republicans already did that when the refused to even consider the Merrick Garland nomination under President Obama and then followed that up when ramrodding the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett thru.

    1. So, like most liberals, you either don’t know or are purposely twisting the meaning of court packing. Court packing is adding seats to the court-is that easy enough for you to understand, d(emocrat)s(tooge)?

      I understand someone such as yourself has no problem with putting activist, anti-American, anti-Constitution, freedom-hating “judges” to the Supreme Court. However, your lack of concern for integrity of the courts does not sway the opinion of honorable people.

  2. Elections Matter. Win next time and you can go back to making (breaking) all the rules.

    1. Yeah, the Democrats are such honorable people. Typical liberal who accepts evil in his party provided it is HIS party ruining the country.

  3. Before any other looney democrats try to twist the meaning, court-packing is adding seats to the court. If you can’t understand that, perhaps you need to go back to school and also learn a little about honesty, though I don’t hold out any hopes for that, seeing your leader is corrupt Joey.

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