A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

First United Methodist in Aberdeen was planning to do a Christmas nativity scene with live animals such as sheep, goats, donkeys and camels. The planning was going well as all the animals were located. The owner of the Walter the camel said he was unable to attend as the US Department of Agriculture was demanding that he got a license to travel and display Walter. The cost of obtaining the license was too high and too complicated.

The business manager of First United , Mary Scott, mentioned the problem to State Senator Al Novstrup.  Because it was a federal issue, Senator Novstrup explained the problem to Senator Thune regional director Judy Vrchota. Senator Thune and Judy were able to solve the problem within days.

And courtesy of Novstrup and Thune’s actions, Walter the camel is pictured below in the nativity scene at First United Methodist in Aberdeen.

10 thoughts on “A Christmas Story”

  1. PETA wants an investigation into whether or not Walter approved of playing a part in a religious ceremony. They are currently in talks with the ACLU to represent Walter and the Freedom From Religion Foundation to right this horrible wrong.

    On a lighter note, deer season for unfilled antlerless-only tags will open in January for a couple of weeks.

  2. This is a nice story. There’s another good one of preschoolers having a “discussion” over baby Jesus during their Christmas program.

    Mary Scott was able to start a conversation that led to the opportunity for children getting a glimpse into what the setting of Christ’s birth was like, certainly not what bringing life into the world is like today;) I can’t imagine finding the strength, courage and faith Mary and Joseph had.

    Mary Scott was also able to show us a great example of why limited gov’t makes sense… The owner of Walter the camel, said he was unable to attend as the US Department of Agriculture was demanding that he got a license to travel and display Walter. The cost of obtaining the license was too high and too complicated…

    Props to you Mary Scott, Merry Christmas!

  3. It’s a good thing the photographer didn’t include Walter’s feet in the picture in this political environment.

      1. What? That’s not what the Bible says? Steve, stop spreading such lies./s

        I bet El Rayo X is a devout “Free Thinker” and thinks he knows what the Bible says about the wise men;) I bet El Rayo X also believes the wise men visited Jesus on his birthday too.

        Too funny!

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