A difference in styles.. @AFPSD debate

Interesting contrast in speaking styles between Noem & Jackley at the AFP debate.

Congresswoman Kristi Noem engages with a more warm & relaxed conversational style of addressing the crowd in attendance…

While Attorney General Marty Jackley uses what I suspect is similar to the style he uses in addressing a jury, standing when he speaks, and moving across the stage.

I don’t believe either style is a clear favorite. Marty’s is more commanding in person, but with a stationary camera for live-streaming, Kristi is relaxed and continually in frame, while Marty moves in and out of the screen.

More to come….

28 thoughts on “A difference in styles.. @AFPSD debate”

    1. Can’t you Jackley trolls PLEASE have an intelligent response to any significant news. It is so frustrating to try and comment on your caustic irrelevant comments. If you think that today’s forum was bad for Jackley, just wait till Jackley has to debate her. Kristi will eat the AG up. Now how surprising is that. It is not surprising at all for a lot of South Dakotans.

  1. Hmm, my take on it for what its worth is that this comes from their backgrounds. Kristi seems like she is very personable and knows how to listen and empathize. She is a mother after all. Jackley seems like he just wants to tell you what to do. But he is a father, after all. lol

  2. Has anyone seen that episode of South Park where everyone blames Canada for everything bad? Jackley takes me back to that episode only it’s DC instead.

  3. Jackley kept hitting on Washington because he’s trying to pin that on Kristi.

    As an online viewer I found his wandering around very annoying and difficult to track. He also didn’t need to stand for every question…

    I did appreciate Kristi’s relaxed aura and that she stayed in view the whole time… it’s not like their was audience participation.

    Jackley seemed very out of school if this was his attempt at public speaking.

    Having rewatched the debate twice- I believe the night went to Kristi and ultimately believe she’ll win 55-45 or maybe 60-40.

    He spent too much time talking about being attorney general and not what he’d do as governor.

  4. Jackley seemed to get off topic too often trying to hit all his predertmined talking points. His DC blame game got old fast and he seemed to just be pionting fingers instead of offering solutions.

    Kristi stayed on topic for the most part an looked very confident. She offered real solutions instead of just complaining about the problem.

    Noem easily won this one.

  5. Jackley’s first mistake was to go up against Kristi face to face. If you thought that this forum favored Kristi, just wait till you watch them in a debate. Kristi Noem, who is NOT a lawyer, will eat the Attorney General up. This race is over.

  6. This race is far from over and as for a dozen or so anonymous hacks trolling every online media with anti-Jackley propaganda you prove my point.
    I actually laughed out loud reading most of these posts especially the one calling Marty nervous looking.

    1. It’s not anti-Jackley when people likely from across the political spectrum point out how bad his “performance” was.

      It’s fine to acknowledge he’s not as polished as Kristi is. They have different styles and his seems to not resonate so well with people here.

  7. First, this was not even close. On style, on substance, and on strategy. I think Noem might have to report a donation-in-kind from AFP every time this forum is reviewed online.

    Second, I think Haggar did a great job of not making himself the center of the forum or asking leading questions (except on free speech) but drawing out the actual thoughts of the candidates. The “talking heads” who do Presidential debates should watch this. Nobody votes for those talking heads for President and nobody is voting for Don for Governor. Great Job Don!

    On a sidenote: If Marty is successful on his internet sales tax effort, there is NOT any additional “$50million” funds “to invest.” The law in South Dakota is collections on internet sales results in a reduction in the sales tax on Main Street. NO NET NEW DOLLARS “to invest.”

    1. Here is a question nobody has asked about the sales tax issue. Who will pay the $50 million? In state consumers or online businesses? Jackley wants you to think that online businesses are the villian. Will consumers in SD pay another $50 million or just drive to another state without a sales tax?
      This entire debate is just another scheme to raise taxes on South Dakotans.

    2. OK, I went and watched the forum and agree with Troy. Noem was polished, calm, and collected. Good answers that came across naturally.

      Marty did fine, but the standing up was awkward and I felt like he was really on his talking points — like Rubio did during the Presidential election. If you just saw bits and pieces of this forum, you would have thought he was running for Congress much of the time. His fighting Washington seems to be more suited for a Congressional race.

      1. Marty’s presentation was good in person. The big question is which audience will be bigger?

  8. Where is CJ Abernathy, Dr. LaFleur and Billie Sutton? Was this just a SDGOP event?

    1. This is a primary debate. They are in other parties and don’t have primaries.

      1. I didn’t know if AFP was open to all candidates for Governor regardless of party for the public.

        Is AFP strictly for Republicans then?

        1. I will repeat in different words: We have a primary in a month. This is the primary season. The general election is in 6 months. This was a primary debate. No other candidates for Governor have primaries.

          I don’t know if AFP will host a general election debate (there already are plenty general election debates) but if they do they will have to have other party’s candidates or it wouldn’t be a debate.

  9. Three thoughts:
    1. Jackley focused on problems, Noem focused on solutions
    2. Best line of the night: “no more Blue Ribbon Task forces”
    3. Crowd extremely well-behaved. The teachers must have stayed home.

    1. No more Blue ribbon task forces? Also NO ideas for funding education. She already stated no new taxes…hmmm sound like a flash from the past? Oh yea the first George Bush…and either she will not fund education just as her predecessors or she’ll give that old line oh I want to…but the money isn’t there.
      Did some of you forget her that she missed 20 out of 21 votes in congress her first couple years because she wasn’t there? She was getting her degree on our tax payer dollars? Hello just what has she done that is so amazing? Help out farmers? Those bills were already in the works…she’s just taking credit.
      The last congressman that actually did something for our state we voted out….Tom Daschel! He was high up on the totem pile in Washington and what did we do ? Voted him out…dah.

  10. I don’t think its any secret that Kristi’s presentation style has always been more inviting and engaging. Both have lots of money, and an experienced grass roots operation. I’d say this election raises the question, how good is Jason Glodt?

    1. I would have thought that you would have concluded that last text with, ‘not even Jason Glodt can fix Marty’.

  11. 1) Kristi is a better campaigner, but has a worse campaign organization.

    2) Marty has a better campaign organization, but he himself is worse on the stump.

    3) Kristi will be perceived better in debates.

    4) Marty’s team has put together a better grassroots campaign.

    1. Just out of curiousity – what are your metrics for campaign organization judgement? How do you quantify what you’re saying?

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