A few candidate photos from today’s GOP Luncheon in Brookings, featuring District 7 & 8 Legislative hopefuls.

Brookings County GOP Monthly Luncheon today was a good event, if but just to put eyes on a couple of the lesser known candidates. Some of them really aren’t putting a lot of material out, so you’re left guessing.  But it was a good introduction:

As part of introductions, GOP Chair Jim Gilkerson points out how every candidate seems to be referring to themselves as a conservative:

D7 House Candidate Mellissa Heerman talks about her background and experience as to why she’s running:

D7 House Candidate Matt Doyle cited his experience up in Pierre, and his existing relationship with State Representative Kevin Jensen as a reason why people should elect him. He wasn’t available today for questions, but said he’d answer them at some forum this weekend.

Former School Superintendent and D7 House candidate Roger DeGroot spoke about education and how employers are strongly voicing the need for workforce development.

D8 House candidate Tim Reisch spoke about his background as first being elected Sheriff at age 24, and how his experience in law enforcement and the Military brought him to Pierre to serve in cabinet level roles under four Governors.

District 8 House Candidate John Mills spoke about his high ratings as a conservative among his credentials in seeking a return to Pierre.

I’m still not sure who this person is. I think it’s Casey Crabtree’s opponent for D8 Senate. All I know is she has a plan to eliminate property taxes, while increasing infrastructure development.  I think the plan must involve having a huge phone attached to your hip.

And speaking of Senator Crabtree, District 8 Republican State Senator Casey Crabtree spoke about economic development, the DSU Cyber program, as well as some of the other issues important to the area.

And that’s what I’ve got off the top of my head.

Stay tuned for more.

5 thoughts on “A few candidate photos from today’s GOP Luncheon in Brookings, featuring District 7 & 8 Legislative hopefuls.”

  1. Matt Doyle has enough respect for the office as to show up at the luncheon appearing as though he was interrupted from mowing his lawn?? This guy needs serious etiquette training before he’s ready for prime time.

  2. I would like to hear where they stand on the issues. Good introductions but we need more substance.

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