After hounding by media, Governor’s daughter steps back from real estate appraiser job

Governor Kristi Noem’s daughter Kassidy Peters announced today that she was stepping back from her job as a real estate appraiser after months of hounding by the media as they tried to create a narrative of impropriety when Governor Noem made inquiry into her concerns over the Real Estate Appraiser program:

“I know as the Governor’s daughter, I am always going to be in the public eye. I can’t stop these attacks, but I can choose whether to keep being hurt by the fallout.”

Some might ask why resign? Isn’t that saying something was wrong?

No. Not at all.

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that you can do everything correctly and within the law, and it really doesn’t matter when people are determined to make you a chess piece to use in their agenda of attacking someone else.

Sometimes the best peace of mind you can give yourself is to remove yourself from the chess board, and refuse to play their game.

35 thoughts on “After hounding by media, Governor’s daughter steps back from real estate appraiser job”

  1. Well, boo hoo. Most aspiring appraisers wouldn’t have had the opportunity to sit down with the decision maker and the sitting governor to have the chance to plead their case. You got special treatment you only got through family ties. Take your indignation elsewhere

  2. If they can show that someone else had the same opportunity I don’t see anything wrong. I don’t like seeing people’s kids drug through the mud. And I’m not a big Noem supporter…

  3. Now the Labor Secretary is saying I think you should dismiss the whole thing…HOW DUMB DO THEY THINK WE ARE?

    On the eve of the e-board vote they finally release the document…..which shows that the plan was NOT in place at the meeting as we were lead to believe. It proves that it was made after the meeting.

    We need to hear from Ms. Bren.

    1. please explain, as my understanding is that Peters’ did not receive a license until four months after the meeting. That seems like a long time. Is that how long it usually takes to execute an educational plan?

      Hultman said Peter’s plan was briefly discussed at the end of the meeting; Noem said it wasn’t discussed at all. Could this be one of those “so how’s it going?” conversations held as they were walking out the door? What one person considers an exchange of pleasantries another considers a discussion. It would be helpful to know exactly who said to whom, so we could decide for ourselves whether a brief discussion at the “end” (before or after adjournment?) of a meeting is anything to be concerned about.

  4. “you can do everything correctly and within the law, and it really doesn’t matter when people are determined to make you a chess piece to use in their agenda of attacking someone else”

    Can you say Cory Alan Heidelberger and his insaner than most out of state name callers?

    1. I do not know that Kassidy did everything correctly. I do strongly believe Governor Noem and her staff did not do everything correctly. The more I read about our governor, the more I read stories about how members of her family are benefitting from Governor Noem’s position as governor. This is the kind of thing we have laughed about in blue states in which the families of high ranking individuals seem to get preferential treatment. What I am seeing is it is time for the state of SD to take the log out of our own eye before we take the sty out of another’s. I am not necessarily saying the Governor’s actions are impeachable, but I do believe our state government appears to need to be cleaned up. And it is not just this administration. I seem to recall another governor who’s family benefitted a lot from his position.

    1. I agree, this looks very bad for the daughter and Noem. By resigning, she is all but admitting her mommy got her the license.

  5. Then support Noem’s 4th Pillar—-Transparency!!!

    I wonder how the legislators felt that believed that there was a plan prior to the secret meeting…..Only to find out that also was not true also.

    1. Agreed. Where is the person on the Governor’s staff saying “Regardless of your intentions, the optics of this will be terrible when it gets out. Have ‘so-and-so’ meet with them instead and report back to you.”

      1. there were only 4 lawyers , a governor and a cabinet secretary in the room to notice that….

  6. Kassim, I’m sorry your mother got you into this mess. I’m sorry your mentors didn’t have enough decency to lead you down the correct path. I’m sorry your mother felt the need to pressure Bren to resign and cost taxpayers 200k. I’m sorry no one who knew better could have done the right thing. Every adult you looked to for guidance failed you. At your age, you did what every young adult would have done in that situation but it is still wrong. You had no reason to believe you were being led astray by those you trusted most.

  7. I don’t feel sorry for her. She will go on the noem campaign payroll and rake it dollars for doing little work.

  8. While I do feel bad for her business drying up and her having to fold the tent, most of this was brought on by her Mother and the administration. Had they not fired and then paid Bren $200k, this may have never been an issue. I wonder if anyone – CoS, counsel… anyone ever said to the Governor… “This is a bad idea”… to have your daughter in the meeting and/or to fire Bren. My guess is that the Gov doesn’t have anyone that tells her No — and that’s to her detriment. The perception is that she surrounds herself with people that say ‘Yes, Governor’. The best leaders I’ve seen surround themselves with people who will argue with them and challenge them to be better.

    1. Bingo bango. I think all of those who dared pushed back have left the administration by now.

      Kassidy’s letter should have blamed her mom instead of whining about people reporting improprieties.

  9. Let’s be honest here. This is the old boys club shutting out new appraisers. The retaliation is happening within the appraiser community. It’s sad that those who have a direct benefit from fewer appraisers are the ones on the licensing board that make it difficult for new appraisers to get licensed.

    1. lets really be honest…noem lied, hultman lied…they got caught but yelled that the press lied when in fact the daughter released the proof of the lies being told by hultman…

      At a minimum Hultman needs to go & Noem should be forced to take a class on transparency to remain governor!

    2. I’ve been surprised for past month, the press has not sought out this concept. The currently licensed appraisers are possibly wanting to keep the “team” at it’s current size. Newer, younger appraisers could offer faster service, more modest fee’s. Not helpful to the older generation of appraisers. Could be?

      1. Bingo, wingo! We have such a week media here that no one is covering who’s on the oversight board.

  10. Poor Kassidy playing the martyr. How about some empathy for the woman who was forced out of her job because you failed. I am so tried of hearing these poor me stories from people who want special treatment because they don’t make the grade. To sit back and think you did not get special treatment and that you have suffered because it came out your mommy was trying to bully people so you could get what you want is a sad statement on your character

  11. The GOAC committee made the right decision and now it’s up to the E Board. This, along with all of the questionable COVID $$$ to legislators and their families along with the Governors extended family need to be thoroughly reviewed. Transparency and accountability should be at the center of all these proceedings. All in all, it seems the party is becoming tired of these constant distractions.

  12. Ms Bren should be very interesting.

    Schoenbeck today was RIDICULOUS—we only want to hear about how to fix the appraisal program…..which no one said was broken until Noem’s daughter couldn’t pass the test and put her in the room full of lawyers at the RESIDENCE! to intimidate Bren.

    Lets not get into any of that or how she was discriminated against by the state.

    Talk about out of touch or it makes him look like he is trying to cover it up….we senators don’t want to hear that.

  13. Hope she sues every last one of them for libel and defamation of character. Hope she wins big time.

  14. Anonymous at 8:25 pm you are wrong when you say nobody said the appraisal program was broken until now.
    My husband and I have been saying it for over 25 years.
    When we bought out house in 1994 we had trouble getting financing because the only appraiser the bank could find had to travel so far, driving from Madison, by the time she arrived at the property she didn’t know where she was. When the three biggest determinants of property value are “location, location, location” it helps to have an appraiser who can read a map. Our real estate agent was stunned, and told us “She didn’t know where she was! I read the appraisal and I don’t think she had any idea how close she was to Brookings!”
    We had to come up with an additional ten percent for the down payment.
    Exactly the same thing happened a few years later when we tried to get an improvement loan. When the appraiser doesn’t realize how close a property is to an interstate exit and a city with a vibrant economy and good schools, you get a low-ball appraisal. We got those low-ball appraisals because the bank couldn’t get an appraiser from Brookings; there weren’t any available, so they sent somebody from Madison who got lost.
    And we couldn’t get the loan we needed, couldn’t fix up the house for years till we had the money.

    The appraisal program is very much broken when people cannot secure financing to build, purchase or improve their homes. And when people can’t secure financing, the negative effects trickle down
    through a local economy. Housing starts, building permits and a hot real estate market are important economic indicators, and a lack of qualified appraisers can bring everything to a halt.

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