After Navigator pipeline withdraws, Summit Carbon ready to step up for ethanol plants.

After the people behind the Navigator pipeline announced the cancellation of their project today…

Navigator CO2 Ventures has canceled its Heartland Greenway pipeline project aimed at capturing 15 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually from Midwest ethanol plants and storing it permanently underground, the company said on Friday, citing “unpredictable” state regulatory processes.

Read that here.

A company spokesperson for Summit Carbon announced that they are ready to step up for ethanol plants, and expand their project, connecting with additional plants:

“Summit Carbon Solutions welcomes and is well positioned to add additional plants and communities to our project footprint. We remain as committed to our project as the day we announced it. It’s not often you get the opportunity to positively impact an industry that touches every farmer and rural community across the Midwest. We have reached voluntary agreements along nearly 75% of our proposed route – we are pleased that the vast majority of landowners and farmers across the Midwest embrace the project. We look forward to building a generational asset that will create new markets for the ethanol industry and farmers.” 

With over 75% of landowners along the project route voluntarily signing on, it’s a good sign that they will be able to keep ethanol booming, and returning profits for agriculture.

8 thoughts on “After Navigator pipeline withdraws, Summit Carbon ready to step up for ethanol plants.”

  1. Would something like Green Methanol be a better use of the captured carbon rather than putting it into a sequestering site?

  2. They actually can not have 75 percent voluntary easements when in fact they are changing the proposed route. When do the Republicans quit looking at the shiny coin over here and pay attention to the knife trying to stab them?

    1. We need to look at the merits of the proposal and judge it on that. Not our personal opinions all the time.

      Turns out the same people don’t want a solar farm in Potter County or a prison in Lincoln County or a dairy in Hamlin. Knee jerk no can’t always be our views in SD.

      1. The same voices screaming no at these projects will someday in the future be the same ones wondering why corn prices are plummeting and their communities are dying after the ethanol plants shut down.

  3. Anonymous at 8:54–I don’t know why South Dakotans wouldn’t have initial knee jerk “No’s” to far sighted proposals……the Legislature has always knee jerked No to far sighted proposals.

  4. I look forward to the day when the Green New Deal is fully implemented and internal combustion engines are outlawed and the ethanol industry sees the end game in the big-government sham they are currently avid fans of! For the record, there’s no need for ethanol when everybody’s running government-mandated EV’s down the road.

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