Ann Tornberg is still SDDP Chair, but they’re not done with her.

I was finally able to shake some information loose from a couple of sources on the attempted coup against SDDP Chair Ann Tornberg. And as I’d suspected, the revolution was postponed.

What have I heard? One source stated that “The amendment failed this morning but the efforts do not end there,” which was confirmed with a second source telling me that “it was withdrawn after discussion. While there were some changes to the state board and region…Ann is still chair.”

The efforts do not end there.  Could be a rocky 2018 cycle for Ann Tornberg.

13 thoughts on “Ann Tornberg is still SDDP Chair, but they’re not done with her.”

  1. Sounds like the attempted coup was the most ill conceived idea since TrumpCare…

  2. Sutton going forward is going to have quite a few boat anchors to deal with from his own state party that will portray him as something he is not. The branding of the SDDP is so bad right now with being extreme and intolerant. I sincerely hope the best for him but it will be especially hard for any reasonable state Democrat.

    1. Tara,

      “The Democrats need a bad ass….nice guys finish last.”

      Do you mean a state democrat or bring a native SD Democrat back to run who is vile and obscene? I can think of a few that have been banned from posting on social media all over the state or you mean a former candidate who is a Democrat that was charged of a crime and/or served or is serving time in prison?

      1. If my good friend Lar were to move back to South Dakota, get a bit of a haircut, and refrain from toking the demon weed every day before lunch he would be a shoe-in for Democratic pick for Governor.

        Alas, the demon weed grips his mind and his heart is full of naught but hate for everybody and everything in South Dakota

        1. Grudz Lar would need to get rid of those blue links to porn sites too as a candidate.

      2. Anonymous, are you perfect? Tell me about yourself? He who without sin caste the first stone. I am talking about anybody that isn’t afraid to speak out against corruption. Looks like there are only 2 in SD right now that aren’t afraid to speak out.

    1. You mean Bill or Bob then. Whatever my good friend Bob might not be, you can’t say he’s not honest and upfront.

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