Argus: Herseth Sandlin not taking a federal judgeship

This was an interesting development with one of our state’s last Democrat elected officials. Former Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is NOT going to take a position on the federal bench:

President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is staying at Augustana University.


“My place is at Augustana,” she said in a statement. “I have indicated to the White House that I do not wish to be further considered for or appointed to the federal bench.”

Read it here.

The biggest takeaway is that by skipping a judgeship, it leaves her in play in the future for running for office.

2 thoughts on “Argus: Herseth Sandlin not taking a federal judgeship”

  1. Or the biggest takeaway is she would not have gotten a nomination so I’ll issue a press release saying I won’t take what I wasn’t going to receive. Brilliant.

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