As the hard-right Citizens for Liberty leadership backs Kristi.. why aren’t we seeing Haugaard and Taffy with their endorsement?

This didn’t escape my notice in the last few days. As Republican leaders across the spectrum of the GOP come together to support Governor Kristi Noem for re-election, including a possible message coming tonight from President Trump, a few members of the hard right have come out to support Republican Governor Noem over Democrat Jamie Smith. Including Citizens for Liberty Leader Tonchi Weaver, who had previously been critical of Governor Noem:

And it had me wondering, because who haven’t we seen in recent weeks come out and talk about how they’re voting Republican in this November election?

It has been months since the June primary. Losing US Senate candidates Bruce Whalen and Mark Mowry haven’t exactly been forthcoming with their endorsement for John Thune. In fact, from his corner of the Internet, Whalen continues to trash talk John Thune who delivered victory for the GOP.

Same goes for Taffy Howard. Since her loss, when it came time to support Republican Dusty Johnson in the race for Congress in his fall election, just like her voting record this last session, Taffy has ducked around the corner and failed to weigh in at any point that she is supporting the Republican ticket.

And let’s try paging Steve Haugaard?  Has anyone seen Steve Haugaard’s show of support for Governor Noem since his loss?  Interestingly, after the primary back when he was challenging Larry Rhoden for Lt. Governor, let’s not forget how Haugaard campaigned on this slogan…

… or not.

For someone who campaigned on a platform of wanting to “Unite the Party,” I don’t see where has has made any public effort to unite anyone behind Kristi Noem and the GOP.

I can’t help but notice that the calls for party unity leading up to the primary tend to be forgotten once some of the people who couldn’t get people to unite behind them have lost.  Used to be that Republican candidates considered themselves competitors instead of sworn blood enemies.  We all know primary elections are tough, but it’s an election to be the candidate for the party. Even in loss, being willing to work as part of a team for a greater good has value.  After the 2002 Primary, the next morning, Mark Barnett was at the Rounds for Governor Campaign office with a check in hand and willing to go to work for Mike. Even after the bruising 2018 Gubernatorial Primary, Marty Jackley was on a postcard for Kristi Noem, and Kristi is fully supporting the now unchallenged Marty for a return to the Attorney General’s office.

There are a number of second acts in politics.  Which brings up a question – Why would anyone even consider voting for someone down the line who can’t move past their own race to support the person who beat them? If not individually, why wouldn’t they come out and support the Republican ticket as a whole?

It’s a good lesson to keep in mind as we approach election day. Did the people we didn’t choose come together to support the Republican candidates? Because if they couldn’t do it, when the wheel rolls around again and circumstances change, why would we consider them again in the future?

15 thoughts on “As the hard-right Citizens for Liberty leadership backs Kristi.. why aren’t we seeing Haugaard and Taffy with their endorsement?”

  1. Why do Howard, Hansen, Odenbach, Haugaard etc have to be prodded to endorse the gop nominee?

    No one should have any doubt in their mind. We all should know they are voting for Noem.

      1. You clearly are uninformed and don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s wild what people spew without actual knowledge of what’s happening. It’s either ignorance or malicious.

      2. I do not know who they are voting for. If they feel Noem has earned their support, they will vote for her. If not, they won’t. There are people running on the Republican ticket that have not earned my vote so I will not vote for those people. That does not make me hate the Republican party. I remember when it was a good thing to vote for the person and not the party. We often laugh at people in places like San Francisco who vote for anyone with a D behind their names. What is the difference if one votes for anyone with an R behind their names?

  2. In my opinion, our State Party Leadership (GOP) used to “set the stage” early on for unification after the primary. Party leaders would reach out to primary candidates and remind them of the obligations of running as a Republican. And the importance of supporting the Primary victor. If I wish to have the honor of running and winning as a Republican, I have an obligation to be an upstanding Republican in losing, as well.

  3. If you can’t set aside your pride to support the party’s candidate, you’re not qualified to be a leader of the party (aka be a Republican statewide elected official).

    Go join Lora Hubbel. Buh bye.

  4. the weird spectacle is the pennington county gop buying ad time urging voters to “come home to the republican party “ so, what? pennington county
    is always republican. it’s weird.

  5. I wouldn’t go pointing fingers. There are many in both houses of the SD legislature that have an R after their name that stands for RINO. They do NOT support the GOP platform and vote their feelings.

    1. You are correct…all one has to do is to look at the scorecards (the American Conservative Union card as the Citizens for Liberty scorecard and the work that goes into it is not appreciated) to see where some of the self-identified “Republicans” vote. How do you think all the recently-converted to Republican Party Democrats are going to vote?
      As for Mrs. Weaver, I know her and she has never been paid off to make any statements and she has never been shy in letting her criticisms be known. The Republicans who seem to get the most negative press are those you can count on to be the true Republicans.
      Just because people don’t publicly support someone does not necessarily mean they will be voting for another candidate. All South Dakota voters are not as stupid as some think we are.

  6. Noem will win easy.

    After that the marginal anti establishment faction better figure out how they handle Dusty Johnson if Noem isn’t good enough. Odenbach? Taffy? It sounds like Noem is as good as it will get for them. They should appreciate her while they can.

  7. Haugaard and Taffy both made fools of themselves at convention. They could have won over so many but they made even their best supporters cringe.

  8. It is only a lack of coming together if conservatives dont support the establishment candudates like Noem.

    If establishment doesnt support conservatives like Monae that is ok…..look back at all the comments from people like Schoenbeck against her including how we need to change the system because she won.

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