Attack of the cloned postcards. Barry Volk for District 20 House.

So a reader just sent me the Barry Volk for District 20 House card, the challenger candidate in.. well,  District 20.. running for House against Lance Koth and Paul Miskimins.

Another awful logo which highlights a design element, and not the actual name of the person running. In this case, you can add an overdone drop shadow which obfuscates the other important thing – the actual office they’re running for. A lot of wasted space on the reverse.. and.. well, let’s face it.. it’s largely formulaic.

Not to mention the photo. Does no one pay attention to the background?  I think that’s supposed to be the Corn Palace, but it’s hard to tell. And the way the candidate’s head is positioned… well the background makes it look very “mohawk-esque”

Did I say the card was formulaic? How formulaic? Well…

Remember the Kevin Quick and Aaron Aylward postcards?  Yeah… There’s more than just a passing similarity.  In fact…

Well, their “consultant” (and I use that term loosely) appears to have just swapped out the words “unprecedented” on Aylward’s card, and substituted “historic.” And he substituted District 20 for District 6.  BONUS!  Barry Volk got 8 more words than Aaron, where they tacked on “this election to take those values to Pierre” to the end of the “I’m asking for your vote and support” sentence.   Aside from the fact it’s otherwise identical to the Quick card as well.

KA-CHUNK.  And another cookie cutter postcard is born.

(I think someone has just given up trying at this point.)

11 thoughts on “Attack of the cloned postcards. Barry Volk for District 20 House.”

  1. We need more Independent Conservatives like Barry Volk who are Independent thinkers. We have to many rubber stampers out there. Let’s mix it up a little bit.

    1. Good to know and with that endorsement that easily means this candidate is a NO VOTE for VOLK.

  2. Mrs. Volesky might be right. This looks like a clean-cut and thick-necked young fellow who might really get in there and thump the tables. But golly jeepers, who did his terrible post cards? Mrs. V, it wasn’t you or Ms. Hubbel, was it? I’ve seen Ms. Hubbel scribble stuff like that before on napkins.

  3. This sounds like more nothing burger articles from Pat. I don’t know why anyone would even care about someone’s postcard they send out for office and take the time to write articles about them. My only guess is Pat is trying to subtling tell people they should use his services instead whoever is providing services to these folks running for office. This seems childish to me

    1. I agree it’s not the world’s biggest news but I am curious to know which consultants stink so I can advise friends to avoid ‘em.

    2. If I was going to be childish, I’d point out that “subtling” isn’t a word.

      Otherwise there are a lot of cards out there that are good. Far better than anything than I do. This isn’t one of them, and I hope that they didn’t pay for the design work. I feel terrible for Volk.

      A political mailing that doesn’t feature the candidate’s name, and uses a photo that makes him look like Mr. T?

      I pity the fool that tried to pawn this off on a candidate.

    1. So, Mr. Sibby, you’re of the “he doesn’t have a thick neck, he has a small head” camp, then? You could be right.

  4. He’s a Stace Nelson wannabe endorsed by Mitchell’s slumlord & #1 illegal alien importer.

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