Brad Lindwurm confirms that he’s district shopping in campaign for State House.

That didn’t take long.  In previous posts where I noted there were accusations of former D14 House candidate Brad Lindwurm district shopping in his announced race for State House… Lindwurm apparently confirmed it himself this afternoon:

“I’ve been temporarily living with my twin brother in District 10 but will announce my district soon.”   So, Lindwurm, who announced he is buying a billboard that starts on 9/11 is apparently worrying more about establishing his campaign than his housing situation (with or without his twin brother)?

Yep. Definately pulling a Heisey.

I guess we know which twin is the evil one.

2 thoughts on “Brad Lindwurm confirms that he’s district shopping in campaign for State House.”

  1. single adults can live anywhere they want to, including under bridges and Walmart parking lots.
    There is a guy living behind Perkins in Brookings. Maybe he is running for office in District 7; you should go ask

  2. Great…another far right winger to plague the legislature. Pass. I’ll gladly vote Dem any day to keep them and their Christian nationalism out of office.

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