Brookings Radio fires announcers, including news, as parent company restructures

Brookings Radio, which has had a robust presence as part of the area’s media forever is apparently rolling up operations locally, and has terminated the employment of their 6 full-time and part-time announcers today, including their news department.

Why do I think this means a lot of satellite/pre-programmed music coming in, with local advertising inserted?

30 thoughts on “Brookings Radio fires announcers, including news, as parent company restructures”

  1. George Soros is buying up all the radio stations. Look for one-sided one-world propaganda and local opinion to be squashed.

    1. Freedoms are slipping away. Equal justice under the law, equal application of the law, attorney client privilege, government agencies out of control, doing away with gas stoves, gasoline powered cars, diversity of opinion, the list goes on.

    2. this has nothing to do with soros. it’s cookie cutter rock bottom cost cutting, and local radio isn’t far behind print newspapers as an outmoded and fading form of media. satellite radio and podcasting and tiktok and youtube are the main media of now. of course MAGA is keeping talk radio and cable propaganda alive.
      i’m listening mostly to public radio lately. the commercial networks have been inconsistent.

        1. public radio actually does explain everything. i get my news without the extra layer of hannity-ingraham-waters-gutfeld hate-spin. you’d eventually get used to a fact-filled world. you should enter it.

          1. Fact filled world….from the guy who stated President Trump doesn’t draw as large crowds as Lizard Cheney. I guess your beloved NPR neglected to report on Trump’s New Jersey rally.

            1. liz cheney’s a better patriot and better republican than you’ll ever be. upshot: you hate pbs, don’t actually listen. you’re just spread the party line. ok. very good. thanks.

              1. Blah blah blah…Now, how about trying to answer the post. And give the following post a try too. Oh that’s right, you are the ki g of deflection.

      1. I was listening to NPR once during the Standing-Rock-Pipeline protest.
        The protestors were called the “water protectors” who were protecting their “sacred land” and implying that the proposed pipeline route actually crossed tribal real estate etc. Not one word about acts of violence, vandalism, protestors breaking into nearby homes to steal supplies and the mess they were making up there.
        I realized the so-called news “report” was nothing more than a reading of a press release sent to them by the protestors. That’s what they were presenting: propaganda.
        I can’t believe our tax dollars are paying for that bullshit.

  2. The Mason City, Iowa local radio station “layed off” (fired) 5 or 6 of their local sports, news and talk show staff on May 22nd also. Will no longer broadcast area high school sports or local city council & school board news. Both situations are another modern day blow to small Midwest communities for computerized (AI) networks programming from the East Coast.

  3. The demise of local radio eliminates local voices, local tastes, local advertising, and local news. Plus it destroys local coverage of high school sports. Local newspapers have gone the same route. I doubt that it’s George Soros. It’s that old demon, The Market.

    1. It’s not the market. It’s corporate greed by out of market players. Seeing tons of hyperlocal popups – that’s where the market is going.

    2. Next thing you know it will be hard to get any news. Maybe music will be piped in over a loud speaker as they did in Nazi Germany

  4. And now the 5 radio stations under the Watertown Radio umbrella and KXLG have fired almost every employee on the spot last night.

  5. It is easy to point a finger at someone else, but we should probably consider the evidence in front of us. Do you know any younger people who listen to the radio? How about anyone that watches the local news? The reason is younger generations don’t want a linear experience, they want the news shows that tell them they are right in their thinking and not much else at the push of a button (just like you do). This is how capitalism works, the same reason why newspapers aren’t a thing anymore.

  6. This is disgusting. Could you possibly compile a list for readers of where we’re supposed to listen to current news. I mean KSDJ I suppose, I don’t even have the words for how shitty this is, how are we as a people supposed to stop these things from happening. In a blink all that personality, commen ground, local love and community gone.

  7. This is too dramatic.
    If you want coverage of what is going on locally, it’s probably on youtube, or a podcast.
    You can watch city council, school board meetings, probably can get a live stream podcast of every imaginable local sporting event
    Anybody can broadcast anything now.

  8. A commentator above lumped KXLG in with the group that payed people off. It did not. It’s locally owned and still has live news and local programming. Thank you Bob Fahen. RIP

  9. I certainly have no problem with PBS News and commentary. Enjoy listening when I’m on a long road trip…makes the miles go by quickly. With no news and commentary on the radio anymore that isn’t strident and overblown, PBS has become the only “alternative radio.”

      1. Still waiting for you to give some specific examples of the alleged “hate spin” you claim…tick tock, tick tock.

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