Candidate for Governor concerned about vaccinations creating increase in Autism symptoms. For Dogs.

You cannot make this stuff up:

And people wonder why I’m so critical when it comes to imagining Lora being put in charge of State Government.

31 thoughts on “Candidate for Governor concerned about vaccinations creating increase in Autism symptoms. For Dogs.”

  1. a cold shiver runs down my spine also thinking of her as Governor…out of touch with reality

    1. Tell me about your cold shiver running down your spine. How is she out of touch with reality.

  2. Vaccination and autism awareness is very important. One needs to study all viewpoints. Autism is rising among children and pets. Over vaccination should be studied. And it’s a good thing they are researching the issue. Public awareness is crucial. Just ask parents with autistic children, or pet owners.

    1. I am a parent of a child diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder. And I have a dog.

      Lora is off her rocker.

      Thanks for asking.

      1. No she is not. I respect your opinion and I hope your child is thriving. You have a right to your beliefs, but other people also have a right to theirs. Just because you disagree Lora doesn’t make her crazy.

      2. No she is not. I respect your opinion and I hope your child is thriving. You have a right to your beliefs, but other people also have a right to theirs. Just because you disagree Lora doesn’t make her crazy, does it.

      3. Do you know what caused you child’s autism? My understanding is there is still no definitive answer and while I don’t necessarily believe it’s vaccines, child do run extremely high fevers after their MMR. Could that trigger something? Researchers have suggested that MS lies dormant in the body and often appears follow some sort of trauma to the body.

        1. If I did, I suspect I could become a millionaire overnight, because no one knows what causes it at this point. However, it is strongly suspected there is a genetic component based on years of research.

          The people who believe in vaccines causing it, only have one study to rely on, and that was done by someone who is utterly discredited, proven to have faked his research, and stripped of his medical license. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of studies since which prove he was full of beans.

          Unfortunately, we have the Internet to thank for the vaccine myth being continually disseminated.

  3. It was a sad day when Lora blocked me on Facebook. I will always consider her greatest moment suggesting doctors kill kids to harvest their organs. When I called her out on it she claimed I’m older and have a “High IQ” then you.

  4. She was probably talking about abortion…….you know how strongly she feels about that. It is a very sensitive issue for her. Could you post the comments?

  5. The yellow dog in that photo looks a lot like another candidate for governor: Henry Sass.
    If the IM 22 supporters succeed in getting that $12 million appropriation into the state constitution, his campaign will be on again.

  6. I feel very sorry for Lora that she has fallen this far. There was a time when she had a smidgeon or respect in the conservative community. While this post makes a person raise an eyebrow, the ugly comments she is posting and hosting about Senator Nelson on her Facebook is opening a lot of people’s eyes to her shortcomings. SMH

    1. Are you for real Chuck P.? SMHALOT No one cares what anyone of them is writing on Palm Sunday. You need to stop posting because you sound too much like a school marm casting aspersions because someone posted something on social media. Gosh, I mean really? and no one uses SMH anymore. I bet you don’t let your kids eat all their Easter candy in one sitting either. SMH

    2. Chuck, please post the comments. Nobody will post them, because there are none. Come on, post those ugly comments.

    3. Really Chuck……don’t feel sorry for Lora….she’s fine. Now post those ugly comments.

      1. Ms. Volesky, when your candidate is on social media making an ass of herself? She’s not okay. You go through great pains to contest any claim on here that Lora is “crazy” and yet you think it is okay for Lora to have posts on her Face Book mocking Senator Nelson and stating he has PTSD.

        There is only one word that sums up her current campaign efforts, “crazy.”

        1. That’s your opinion. Stace is a big boy. He has taken a lot worse than what Lora has dished out. He can dish back too.

  7. She is such a train wreck! I do not feel good about watching her repeatedly explode. I’m afraid we are facilitating her by giving attention to her crazy behavior. She has lost all credibility with serious conservatives across the state.

    I am curious too, Tara Volesky can you explain what you two hope to achieve campaign wise with her bizarre actions?

  8. LOL…..These posts are hilarious. She would make a great Gov, because she can’t be controlled or manipulated from people like you.

    1. Tara if we could just get you, Lee and Lora on Alex Jones INFO WARS and RT being Russia Today her victory would be assured!

  9. Tara,

    You are right Lora won’t listen to anyone reasonable because her head is filled with gibberish. You said above “You have a right to your beliefs, but other people also have a right to theirs. Just because you disagree Lora doesn’t make her crazy.”

    Its not that we disagree with Lora. Its that she makes assertions which are not grounded in reality and that is crazy.

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